View Full Version : H20 600 gph 7.5 hp

Windy Acres
06-09-2017, 07:04 AM
Ok so we are on the list to have a new RO delivered come december, my question is, does anyone have one of these with a single membrane, and if you do, what are your flow rates takind 2% to 8%, i want to be sure it will keep up with our evaporator, or fo i need to get a 2nd membrane, our evaporator does around 80 gph

06-09-2017, 07:09 AM
I don't have one but I did look at them. I know my old D&G unit with a 5hp would keep up with that. So i am sure the H2O will. When I talked with them they said there 2 post would do 2-12 at 200gph to keep up with my rig.

eagle lake sugar
06-09-2017, 07:27 AM
I have the 600 econox with the 5 hp pump and routinely run at 540-600 gph with decent sap, bringing it to 8% or even 10%. I imagine it would be even better with the 7.5hp pump. Even at 400 gph you'll be pumping 100 gph of 8% concentrate to your evaporator, so you'll have no problem.

Windy Acres
06-10-2017, 04:29 AM
thanks guys, i like what im hearing!

06-10-2017, 07:35 AM
Hi windy acres this is brian bush we live on bates rd in Hapursville across from napa.We have been using a h20 ro for over 10 years started with a 600 and now have a 2400 you will have no problem running that evaporater with one membrane just make sure you have more than enough power go to it.Just to let you know we are a h20 dealer and we are in the process of purchasing Bakers maple and we will have a complete h20 store should be open in Augest

Windy Acres
06-10-2017, 12:32 PM
Hey there, ive been meaning to get over, my dad knows you, he helps down to the feed store, im glad to hear good things about the RO, we are having our service re-done, i will have 150 amps in the RO room, i need to get over and check out your operation!

06-11-2017, 04:04 AM
Your set up looks nice i have been meaning to stop also.If you need any help or need to check out my ro just let me know.Make sure your transformer is not to far away when i put my 600 in i had nyseg assure me i had more than enough power.When i first fired it up i was browning everything out they blamed it on my electrician they were there 2 days straight and finally moved my transformer closer to my sap house.It was almost 1000 ft away.Now we got all kinds of power.

Windy Acres
06-11-2017, 04:16 AM
im hoping we will be good to go, the transformer is around 100 yards from the sugar house, i would like to check out that RO sometime

06-16-2017, 06:56 PM
Windy Acres, I have the H20 Econox with the 5 hp single membrane. I use a 3x10 that is about 80 gph. I start boiling when I have about 100 gallons conc. and tank stays same level till RO shuts down. Very nice fit for me.

Windy Acres
06-17-2017, 02:07 PM
Thanks everyone!

06-18-2017, 06:05 AM
What pressure do you operate the ro at to get these flows?

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eagle lake sugar
06-18-2017, 07:01 AM
I try to keep it under 500 p.s.i., the only time it gets close to that is when I'm double passing from 6% to 14-16% toward the end of the session.

bill m
06-18-2017, 09:16 AM
I have had my H2O / 600 gph for 4 years now and could not be happier. I try to keep the pressure at 450 of less and bring it to between 8 and 10%. My 3x10 with hood and preheater does 100 gph and when I have 150 gallons of concentrate the RO will keep up with my evaporator.

Windy Acres
06-20-2017, 07:23 AM
Thanks everyone, what are the dimensions of the econox, im working on finishing off the ro room, and want to get as much done ahead of time as i can

Windy Acres
10-17-2017, 02:25 AM
1675716758well this weekend we received our new RO, time to start plumbing and electrical!

Windy Acres
12-08-2017, 03:50 AM
169011690216903got the RO all plumbed in

Windy Acres
12-08-2017, 03:52 AM