View Full Version : Dow FilmTech XLE 4040 Membrane Selection

05-16-2017, 11:03 AM
I am currently building a RO and have read multiple threads on Maple Trader regarding membranes. I am leaning towards using a Dow FilmTech XLE 4040. After doing a Google search for a FilmTech XLE-4040, I found the following listed for it:

XLE - 4040 Part Number 154546
LP-4040 Part Number 212819
TW30-4040 80610

Which one are most of you using. I assume it is the 154546 but mostly 80610 popped up on the search.

05-16-2017, 12:26 PM
That's the one you want.

05-16-2017, 02:06 PM
I was very happy with xle membranes. That was until I found MES brand membranes. Faster flow and very good prices.


MT Pockets Producer
05-16-2017, 02:40 PM
We are very satisfied with with the MES as well. Prices were excellent and folks were available for questions and support after the fact.

06-16-2017, 09:13 PM
I will be running a low pressures setup using a procon pump and after doing a lot of reading on this forum many have used the xle 4040 membranes due to the fact that they do not pass any sugar into the permeate. The MES seems to be a newer membrane that has been developed in the last few years. For those of you that have switched to the MES from the xle, do you see any issue to running it with a low pressure setup? Any issues with it passing sugar? What are the major advantages that you see with MES 4" by 40" membranes?

MT Pockets Producer
06-17-2017, 06:26 AM
We finished our build just before this past season and went with the MES based on the info on the forum. We have never used the XLE so I can't compare the performance. We used the multistage pump rather than the procon but the pressures are similar, just a little more flow depending on what pressure we are running. We ran anywhere from 150 PSI to 230 PSI depending on sap temp,concentration and what flow rates we were trying to accomplish. There was a couple of days where we processed about 600 gallons of sap to around 6 to 7 percent sugar without sugar passage or fouling issues. I can't speak to the level of service the XLE dealers provide but I have called MES a couple of times with questions and they have been very helpful.