View Full Version : need something for filtering and botlling next year.. but what

05-08-2017, 05:55 AM
so this year made 28 gallons( normal year 40-50). I use cone filters and a 19x30 gas finisher. that being said I am lugging and dumping 5 gallons of syrup around a lot . not fun! was looking for some kind of filter canner, but to many kinds to pick from. water or not? electric or gas? flat filter or cone? to many options. I have never used any of them. I'm looking to refine this system. any thoughts on what works best or what do u guys all do?

05-08-2017, 11:32 AM
We have an 11 gallon water jacket filter canner. It has a flat filter tray. Holds 8 gallons to the bottom of the filter tray or 11 gallons of filtered syrup to the top. It's a stove top unit I had made.

05-09-2017, 05:14 AM
what do u use for a filter set up wool with pre-filters ? and one pass the syrup is clear?

05-09-2017, 07:35 AM
so this year made 28 gallons( normal year 40-50). I use cone filters and a 19x30 gas finisher. that being said I am lugging and dumping 5 gallons of syrup around a lot . not fun! was looking for some kind of filter canner, but to many kinds to pick from. water or not? electric or gas? flat filter or cone? to many options. I have never used any of them. I'm looking to refine this system. any thoughts on what works best or what do u guys all do?
Just curious how you filtered syrup on a normal year 40/50 gals?

05-09-2017, 08:29 AM
so this year made 28 gallons( normal year 40-50). I use cone filters and a 19x30 gas finisher. that being said I am lugging and dumping 5 gallons of syrup around a lot . not fun! was looking for some kind of filter canner, but to many kinds to pick from. water or not? electric or gas? flat filter or cone? to many options. I have never used any of them. I'm looking to refine this system. any thoughts on what works best or what do u guys all do?

I use a 16"×16" gas bottler,filter tank system with steam pan.I use felt flat filters, you can buy them in 36" squares, and you can buy prefilters in 36" squares, cut them in 4 equal pieces roughly 18" square.

When I first start filtering for the day I start by putting a felt on the filter tray that has been boiling in pot of water, I shake it out and place it in the filter rack, then I put 3-4 pre filters on top of the felt. Then I immediately pour 2-3 gallons of syrup through the filter filling the filter cavity to the top of the filters. Then I put the lid on the canner to keep the heat in the filters, wait about 5 minutes and return to the filter tank, remove the lid and generally all the syrup has gone through. If it's later in the season you may have to pull off the top pre filters and alow it to drip off before discarding to a pail to wash later. If I have more syrup to filter I repeat, if not I put the lid on and go about my business.

When I get ready to filter again I turn on the propane burner and use the hot syrup below the filters to warm them up if you will, you get alot of condensation even heating the syrup to just 185.

I can usually get at least 10 gallons through one felt, sometimes at the end of the season you might only get five gallons through but that is some really muddy stuff.

If I use up all my initial pre filters I just add more hot damp ones before I go to filter again. You want to have 4-5 times as many prefilters as felt filters on hand.

Any brand filter tank can be used in this manner, I happen to have a Smokey lake one ,but they all work and they all do the same thing.

05-09-2017, 08:50 AM
You want to mark the top corner of your felt so you always install it with the correct side facing up. So you don't push niter out of the felt in subsequent filterings.

I wash my pre filters and felts in boiling hot water by hand , I get the green gloves that leader sells, they work great.

I do about 100 gallons per season this way. If you keep your filters warm and keep up with your prefilters it's pretty easy filtering, also you want your syrup to be at least 190+ degrees.

05-09-2017, 11:20 AM
what do u use for a filter set up wool with pre-filters ? and one pass the syrup is clear?
We use a felt finish filter and 7 prefilters. Always clear. As they plug up we pull 1 filter out at a time. Big runs we can pull up to 4 prefilters.

05-09-2017, 11:22 AM
You want to mark the top corner of your felt so you always install it with the correct side facing up. So you don't push niter out of the felt in subsequent filterings.

I wash my pre filters and felts in boiling hot water by hand , I get the green gloves that leader sells, they work great.

I do about 100 gallons per season this way. If you keep your filters warm and keep up with your prefilters it's pretty easy filtering, also you want your syrup to be at least 190+ degrees.
We also wash with hot water between each boil. Then rins with cold water. Filters always come out looking new. Then hang over the finish pan to stay warm and moist before putting them in the filter canner.

05-10-2017, 05:23 AM
Ogdens , I made a filter cone tree. starting with two old filters into a new one and poor syrup though. I only did it this way, because one pass through wasn't enough. it has just gotten to be to much holding a pot in the air. my syrup tends to finish heavy with no cover and cause more work.

saw your canners whity nice .well thanks guys, looks like I have some fabricating to do

05-10-2017, 03:53 PM
Like Nate, I have a Smoky Lake steam filter/bottler and it works great. 4 or 5 prefilters and a felt. Smoky Lake sells a replacement filter set (4 or 5 prefilters and a felt) for $25 with free shipping.

Super Sapper
05-11-2017, 05:26 AM
These are all good options especially if you are staying in a budget. If you do not mind spending more (around $3000 total), a filter press and electric water jacketed bottler is the most trouble free and least time consuming option. I would never go back to filters after having a press as I have to do everything myself. The electric water jacketed bottler allows you to do other things as the syrup heats up without worry of going too hot and will maintain the temp as long as it is on.

05-11-2017, 09:43 AM
These are all good options especially if you are staying in a budget. If you do not mind spending more (around $3000 total), a filter press and electric water jacketed bottler is the most trouble free and least time consuming option. I would never go back to filters after having a press as I have to do everything myself. The electric water jacketed bottler allows you to do other things as the syrup heats up without worry of going too hot and will maintain the temp as long as it is on. I couldn't agree more, if I had an extra 3k plus I would do and intend to do just that.

05-14-2017, 05:58 AM
just a little practice file:///C:/Users/Tony/Pictures/float%20box%20copper.jpg before a water jacket canner

05-14-2017, 06:04 AM
16490second try

Mark B
05-14-2017, 07:29 AM
Avantco 110 cup stainless coffee urn - 3 gallons... big enough around for your cone filter. $60 and free shipping is budget friendly.



05-14-2017, 09:38 AM
that is a pretty cool little unit and cheap. wish I found that when I started out. now I make too much for it and growing each year adding 20 to 40 taps each year