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View Full Version : Surge Oil Reclaimer question

05-04-2017, 04:49 AM
I've been cleaning up a new to me Alamo 100. I'm just getting into putting the reclaimer back together and installing new copper oiler lines and noticed that my oil has no way of recirculating once it goes into the top portion of the reclaimer. In the first picture there is a hole in the plate that seperates the top and bottom chamber. I've removed the screen and screen cover to be able to see hole. This hole does not lead to the bottom chamber at all. It leads straight to the bottom of the reclaimer to a threaded fitting that has a plug in it to drain. ( the silver plug in the photo)There are no other holes in the top chamber of reclaimer for oil to pass to the main oil chamber.
I've cleaned the entire reclaimer and blown it out with air since this picture was taken just in case there was a hole that was plugged with junk that I just couldn't see. No entry point to the main oil chamber. Am I missing something? Does this reclaimer just catch the used oil in the top chamber then I have to manually drain it through the top chamber drain then add it to the main oil resovoir?
The decal on the side of the reclaimer says Surge L-2 oiling system if that makes any difference.

http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u495/bottenhof/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/41D9539D-843F-48B0-AB1D-98A14EC9E8A2_zpscmwa0tfp.jpg (http://s1070.photobucket.com/user/bottenhof/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/41D9539D-843F-48B0-AB1D-98A14EC9E8A2_zpscmwa0tfp.jpg.html)

http://i1070.photobucket.com/albums/u495/bottenhof/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/8B7E6A97-0260-44A1-A235-C0C49D655D36_zpslkdtpacg.jpg (http://s1070.photobucket.com/user/bottenhof/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2017-05/8B7E6A97-0260-44A1-A235-C0C49D655D36_zpslkdtpacg.jpg.html)

05-06-2017, 06:20 AM
I talked to an Alamo repair shop ( thanks to Maple Flats for the contact ) and found out that my pump was made in the mid 80's. So it has the newer style reclaimer. These reclaimers were sealed between the top and bottom units. No flow beteeen the 2.
He said that since we run these pumps at high vacuum and use more oil then running lower vac that 1/4" holes can be drilled in the top plate as long as it's not anywhere near the oil gauge and about 1.5-2" away from the outer rim of where the gasket sits.