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05-01-2017, 12:09 PM
looking for a recommendation for a vaccum pump to handle 600 taps with 4 ladders currently are using an older vaccum pump

05-01-2017, 01:39 PM
The standard for sizing a vacuum pump once was 100 taps per cfm, however the standards are changing and more producers have been using the 50 taps to one cfm to size a pump. Although the tightness (how well your system is maintained and the age of the tubing) of your tubing system will also be a factor. Of course most of us expand when we can so I would think you would be looking for a pump that is 8-15 or 20 cfms. As far as the brand and whether or not to buy new or used well that really depends on your budget.

05-01-2017, 09:29 PM
taps per CFM will depend on you releaser. If it is a mechanical releaser you will need to factor in the size of the releaser; where if you use an electric releaser then these add to your cfm. I have used a bb2 surge on that number with 8 ladders and a delaval 73 has done the same number of ladders and 800 taps ok. The D 75 did a much better job when we hit 1000 taps and 10 ladders.

If you have a tight system to start the season with an electric releaser of some type 100 taps per cfm will work just fine.

Remember pumps are rated at different levels of vac; so be certain to compare apples and apples.

blissville maples
05-21-2017, 07:35 PM
Don't mess around and go with a Busch or airtech, same thing. Yea may be another thousand or so, but it pays off with reliability..... there's no time to be messing with pumps when Sapa running......

blissville maples
05-21-2017, 07:37 PM
I think a 1.5 horse would do 600 taps...... probably 2600$

05-23-2017, 07:43 AM
does the pump selection change with 3/16" with plenty of drop? I'm looking to add electric vacuum next year for my 3/16" operation.

07-05-2017, 06:40 PM
A little different but not much if you have plenty of drop then the upper trees are at or close to Max vacuum. So you only really have to worry about the trees that are at the end of the lateral. To quote Dr.Tim vacuum plus vacuum equals high vacuum. So we as most prouducers need a high cfm pump that can pull 28+. You may only need a pump that can pull 15 to 20 hgs. And have Max vac at your lower trees.

07-06-2017, 06:08 PM
Atlas Copco
Don't waste your time with anything else. Give MES a call

07-06-2017, 07:13 PM
With a variable speed drive the pump can grow with you. Not exactly sure of efficiency, most will run ~33.3% (20HZ) and ramp if you have a leak ETC. You can get a transducer for control on ebay for not a whole lot. You can also look at water vapor capacity of the pump. I think some rotary vane pumps are more capable than dry claw type pumps. May just want to compare specs before pulling the trigger.