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View Full Version : Best 60ccish chainsaw

04-25-2017, 12:22 PM
I'm probably getting the Stihl 362, due to an excellent dealer nearby. But been very tempted to go with Echo 620P. Just wondered what others like.


04-25-2017, 01:13 PM
I think it is hard to beat a Stihl I don't have a 362 but I have 5 Stihl love them all my newest ones are the 461 and 311 the 311 is very good on gas probably similar to gas use as the 362. I got the 461 because I wanted more ccs all my others are right around 55cc. I think a good dealer is very nice although I have not taken any of my saw back for anything.

04-25-2017, 03:00 PM
Hey Tim,

When I saw your post on arboristsite I figured you must be a syrup guy with a name like sapman.

I really like my 261cm. If the 362 is similar, it should be excellent. Of course another option would be to buy a used 361 and have it ported and gone through by a pro. Should cost a similar amount to a new 362.

On the subject, though, any reason in particular you're shopping for a 60cc saw? I've really found that I like my 50cc saws and my 70cc saws. What else is in your lineup? A 362 would be a good one saw plan, but if there's more in your stable already or more in the future, it might be less useful. I sold my 361 when I bought a 50 cc Shindaiwa and a stihl 460. Just didn't use it anymore.

04-25-2017, 03:17 PM
Haha, wondered if it might be seen by anyone on both forums!

Have a 25 yo 025, and still runs great. Buddy of mine with an 026 got a 361 few years ago, and loves it. I really feel like I could just keep using the 025, but have a huge amount of wood to process this year, and looking to speed it up. But don't wnt a saw that's too heavy. Just using for own firewood and sugarbush thinning/maintenance.

04-25-2017, 04:25 PM
Right on. I see you're running an oil fired rig, so I don't suppose you're cutting 20 cords a year.

Those 025s are great saws. My neighbor has one of the same vintage and it runs great. I guess my question is, do you want to drop a tree with your bigger saw, then switch to the 025 for limbing, then grab the big saw again for bucking firewood, OR do you want to grab one saw for the whole day and leave the 025 in the truck as a backup?

Personally I love my little saws and even a 362 is more than I want to carry for limbing and thinning. So personally I drop a tree with a 70+cc saw, then limb with a 40-50cc, then back to a 70+ for bucking into firewood. But, chainsaws are sort of my hobby, and I don't mind having some money tied up in a small arsenal of saws. My personal choice in your position would be to find a nice stihl 044 or 440. Then plan on using your 025 for the light work until it's worn out. At that point look at a ms241, 261 or whatever carbon fiber fuel injected nonsense is on the market at that point.

Russell Lampron
04-25-2017, 05:56 PM
I think it is hard to beat a Stihl I don't have a 362 but I have 5 Stihl love them all my newest ones are the 461 and 311 the 311 is very good on gas probably similar to gas use as the 362. I got the 461 because I wanted more ccs all my others are right around 55cc. I think a good dealer is very nice although I have not taken any of my saw back for anything.

How do you like that 461? I'm thinking about getting one. My biggest saws right now are a Sachs Dolmar 116si and a Stihl MS 290. I have some big trees to cut and the 20" bars are a little too short.

04-25-2017, 06:29 PM
The 461 is well worth the money I love it. I like the extra cc put pro grade chain on it and wow does it cut fast. My problem was I wanted a little more cc and in order to do that you have to jump to the pro saws but its well worth the $. I use the 311 for trimming but usually don't put the 461 down I run 20" .063 bars. wait for deal on chains on ebay.

04-25-2017, 08:19 PM
a logger friend of mine loves stihl saws , i love dolmar saws a 6401 would be right in your size range. i cut tons of firewood with a 6401 60 cc ( 5 years old ) and 9010 90 cc (9 years old), great power to weight ratio . my old 6400 i did the 85 cc big bore kit and it was great for about a year then i hit a (bump) runnin the dozer and kinda ran it over lol . there are some pics in my gallery of the 9010

04-25-2017, 09:36 PM
a logger friend of mine loves stihl saws , i love dolmar saws a 6401 would be right in your size range. i cut tons of firewood with a 6401 60 cc ( 5 years old ) and 9010 90 cc (9 years old), great power to weight ratio . my old 6400 i did the 85 cc big bore kit and it was great for about a year then i hit a (bump) runnin the dozer and kinda ran it over lol . there are some pics in my gallery of the 9010

I like my Dolmars a lot. I have a 421 and a 7900. If I had to I could own only those two saws.

Dolmar recently released the 6100, which would compete very well with the saws the OP is asking about. I'd love to try one, but I probably shouldn't since I don't need another saw right this minute. Supposed to be very torquey.

Robert K
04-29-2017, 08:53 AM
Try them
The best thing I ever did as far as a chainsaw goes was to show up early at the plowing match 1 year. I must have tried 15 different saws before the crowds appeared. Most dealers will have a display and a few logs to cut slices from. Now this is not the same as cutting in the bush all say, but trying different saws back to back will give you a good idea of which one you like. Or at least narrow your choice.
For the record I have a husky 575 and a dolmar 6400. The limbing saw is a husky 435
My father runs a stihl and 1 brute of a Partner

05-14-2017, 08:52 AM
Be sure to check out the Husqvarna 562xp\555, or the Jonsered 2258\2260. I like the 2260 myself, it's fast, and feels lighter than the 562xp with the small mount bar and lower air filter.

minehart gap
05-26-2017, 05:11 PM
I caution on the echo chain saw. The warranty is pretty limited and the one that I had gave us problems that were not covered by warranty even though the saw was less than a year old. Apparently they don't want you to cut wood with the saw. The do make the best weedeater on the market though.

I love my Stihl saws but my go to is a Jonsered 2171. Light for its size, big enough to cut about anything (I use a 20" baron mine) and they just plain sound bad ***.