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View Full Version : Steam Away Condensate Pipe

Maple Man 85
04-23-2017, 08:10 PM
What type of pipe will handle the heat from condensate without melting (obviously stainless, are there any other options)? Would like to run pipe under the slab so its one less thing to trip over and don't want to replace it in my lifetime.

04-24-2017, 08:00 AM
What type of pipe will handle the heat from condensate without melting (obviously stainless, are there any other options)? Would like to run pipe under the slab so its one less thing to trip over and don't want to replace it in my lifetime.

I'd go with cast iron if it's under the slab. The water and steam is so hot it's going to melt most plastics. The original Steam-away discharge pipe under the floor in our sugarhouse was PVC. It melted and separated fairly quickly, meaning that we were dumping huge amounts of hot water under the slab. This would then freeze, then thaw, then refreeze. The floor broke into small chunks of concrete within about 5 yrs -- so much so that we dug it all out and replaced it a few years ago. We put in floor drain channels with grates and cast iron to discharge in the new floor. Works great.