View Full Version : 2x4 Raised Flue Evaporator question

03-09-2004, 10:42 AM
I have a 2x4, raised flue evaporator, all one piece construction. The back pan is 30 in. long and the front pan is 18 in. long. I have a steady small sap stream going into the back pan on the right side (looking toward the stack) and I crack the other valve on the left side of the back pan to get the sap into the front pan. The front pan has two sections. I would like to get the front pan to flow from the left section to the right section and then trickle it out the valve as finished syrup on the right section, but I always end up making syrup as a batch (versus having a continuous outflow). My question is - Is it possible on this evaporator to get the syrup to trickle out? I can see how it is possible to have a contiunous trickle of finished syrup on larger units where there are more sections to the front pan and where it gives the syrup/sap a longer path to go and therefore a better gradient, but I can't seem to get this to happen on this unit. Thanks for any and all advice.

03-09-2004, 01:01 PM
Probably the best you can do on that size as far as a continuous flow is a drip. Doesn't sound like a lot, but will add up to quite a bit after it drips for 2 or 3 hours.

Besides, a drip is a lot better than batch finishing because you have sugar in the pans the next time you start up!

03-09-2004, 04:56 PM
You don't say what kind of pans they are and if you have a float control from the back pan to the front. It is very difficult to do on that size rig but having a float and running your front pan level down around an inch will help a lot. I have seen it done but never boiled on that size myself.