View Full Version : R.O. For a 2x8

04-10-2017, 09:36 PM
I have a 2x8 evaporator the flue pan is 6' and the syrup pan is 2'. Would boiling concentrate be a issue having a 6' flue pan?

04-11-2017, 12:51 PM
No issue at all. I have a 2x6. Our RO is the work horse of the operation. We take our concentrate to 10-12% in the past and next season we plan to go higher to around 16-18%. I don't have the time anymore to boil and the RO is automatic run after it is started. This summer we plan on adding another pair of vessels to be run parallel to our current two that are in series. I plan on adding a recirculation pump to maximize the unit.

The higher the sugar the less boiling time I will need to spend. I would like to spend 3 hrs each night boiling. At our past rate of 42-43 GPH we will be right in the window with the 1100 taps for 2018.

The goal is to produce 550 G syrup and use not more than 500 G oil as we are going to convert the evap to oil. Got to simplify things and reduce the man hours to produce syrup for a couple years.

I know a couple guys with same unit as you have that run ROs.

Good Luck!

04-11-2017, 08:44 PM
I have a 2x8 evaporator the flue pan is 6' and the syrup pan is 2'. Would boiling concentrate be a issue having a 6' flue pan?

Should work. Depends on how high you go with sugar. When I had a 2x6 I cleaned back pan a couple times/season. Might have to clean more often as back pan will niter up when boiling concentrate.

04-11-2017, 08:46 PM
Breezy I concentrate to 16-18. Preheater. Last year I was under 1/2 gallon oil per gallon. This year looking like a little over 1/2 gallon.

04-12-2017, 09:56 AM
Breezy I concentrate to 16-18. Preheater. Last year I was under 1/2 gallon oil per gallon. This year looking like a little over 1/2 gallon.


Several have told me when you try oil you will never go back.

04-12-2017, 01:50 PM
Thank you. I would probably try for 8%.

04-12-2017, 04:31 PM

I went down the road you are headed. Bought a CDL 2x8 traditional arch that had a 2x2 reverse flow syrup pan with 2x6 raised flue evaporator pan. Added a Waterguy ro. Concentrated to 4%, then 6%, then 8%. Ended at 12% concentrate. As our production increased the reverse flow syrup pan would build scale at about 20 gallons (syrup) and dam up the center section. Went to Cross flow syrup pan which helped. Have boiled as high as 43 gallon of syrup in a day, but both syrup and evaporator pans need cleaned by the end of the day. We pushed it hard this year processing 26,900 gallon of sap, approx 460 gallon of syrup. 1200 taps. I like the 2x8 size due to ease of cleaning. (Can drain everything into 7 or 8, 5-gallon buckets.) If going new again, I would probably go with a 2'x3' cross flow syrup pan with 5' evaporator pan. Back to your original post, RO -YES! We are using 2 modified Waterguys with 6-4040 membranes to feed the evaporator. You have a lot of potential with your 2x8,

Good Luck

Russell Lampron
04-12-2017, 07:23 PM

I went down the road you are headed. Bought a CDL 2x8 traditional arch that had a 2x2 reverse flow syrup pan with 2x6 raised flue evaporator pan. Added a Waterguy ro. Concentrated to 4%, then 6%, then 8%. Ended at 12% concentrate. As our production increased the reverse flow syrup pan would build scale at about 20 gallons (syrup) and dam up the center section. Went to Cross flow syrup pan which helped. Have boiled as high as 43 gallon of syrup in a day, but both syrup and evaporator pans need cleaned by the end of the day. We pushed it hard this year processing 26,900 gallon of sap, approx 460 gallon of syrup. 1200 taps. I like the 2x8 size due to ease of cleaning. (Can drain everything into 7 or 8, 5-gallon buckets.) If going new again, I would probably go with a 2'x3' cross flow syrup pan with 5' evaporator pan. Back to your original post, RO -YES! We are using 2 modified Waterguys with 6-4040 membranes to feed the evaporator. You have a lot of potential with your 2x8,

Good Luck

This will help with your nitre problem. http://mapletrader.com/community/showthread.php?20529-Bubblemaster-1.0! This my thread on making a bubbler for your evaporator.

04-12-2017, 10:09 PM
THanks Russ, I'll look into it.