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View Full Version : Insects that bore into maple

04-09-2017, 10:01 PM
Today I went out to wash my lines. I found a hole that was pretty small and had sap running down form it. I could see a insect was in it but I destroyed it trying to dig it out to identify what insect it could be. It wasn't a woodpecker because it was a clean bored hole. It wasn't a D shaped hole. It was way to small for the drill bit. And I kept a eye on all the others and haven't found anymore of this insect. I haven't heard anyone with this problem in my area.

04-10-2017, 05:53 AM
sounds like a bird (sapsucker), and the insect was availing itself of a meal.

sugar maple borer is one insect that bores into maple.

04-10-2017, 11:07 AM
Today I went out to wash my lines. I found a hole that was pretty small and had sap running down form it. I could see a insect was in it but I destroyed it trying to dig it out to identify what insect it could be. It wasn't a woodpecker because it was a clean bored hole. It wasn't a D shaped hole. It was way to small for the drill bit. And I kept a eye on all the others and haven't found anymore of this insect. I haven't heard anyone with this problem in my area.

Take a close look at this: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/resources/pests-diseases/asian-longhorned-beetle/Find-It If that's what it could possibly be, I would report it to the USDA immediately to check it out. They will help squelch it if it is an infestation.

04-10-2017, 12:11 PM
...sugar maple borer is one insect that bores into maple.

Technically I think sugar maple borer bores OUT of maple :D

04-10-2017, 05:56 PM
Technically I think sugar maple borer bores OUT of maple :D
yes, indeed.

04-11-2017, 10:35 PM
The hole was a lot smaller than 1/4 inch. I have a picture of it but it's hard to see and i don't know how to download in on here

04-12-2017, 06:02 AM
The hole was a lot smaller than 1/4 inch. I have a picture of it but it's hard to see and i don't know how to download in on here

that would be the right size.

04-15-2017, 09:11 PM
I found this thing and a few of his friends in a downed Red Maple that I cut up for fire wood recently:


I'm afraid to ask what it is....


04-29-2017, 08:21 PM
It is a darkling beetle. Harmless to people and maples.

04-30-2017, 11:07 AM
Thanks Ian.

That's a relief!

I thought it was an Asian beetle that is attacking Maples.


05-01-2017, 05:51 AM
The porch of our log home has peeled Red Pine post. We get those little holes, about the size of a big pencile lead, in them every year. Usually 2 to 3 feet up, usually notice some fine wood dust where those little suckers have eaten their way in.

05-02-2017, 07:16 PM
powder post beetles?