View Full Version : Suggestions on ro for me.

04-08-2017, 08:38 PM
So we have 400 taps on a 2x8, boil 40-45 per hour. I would like to possibly cut boil and wood down. I have seen some on Craigslist.. water guys, deer run, cdl hobby. Just wondering what would be a good fit. Keys things to look for and want in an ro. I only want to do to 10% max. Or ad long as I don't have to boil anymore 1% I'll be happy.

Robert K
04-08-2017, 09:25 PM
I have a hobby CDL 125, works good, simple and reliable. 110 volt model so powering it is easy.
That's my 2 cents.

04-09-2017, 04:44 AM
We went with a Deer Run 250 and have been very happy. We liked the gas engine feature because of power limitations at our sugarhouse and we wanted to get rid of the maximum amount of water in one pass. It removes 75% of the water in one pass which raises 2% sap to 8%. Used it now for 4 seasons and have only one regret, should have gotten it sooner.

Russell Lampron
04-09-2017, 05:11 AM
I recommend that you get a professional RO with recirculation like the Lapierre turbo or CDL. Those two brands have a recirc pump built right into the base(s) of the tower(s). A much more efficient way to keep the face of the membrane(s) clean so that they will produce at peak efficiency for longer periods of time. For RO size you will need a 250 or larger. I have 700 taps and a 2x6 and my next RO is going to be a 600 Lapierre turbo.

0I have been punishing my Lapierre turbo 125 for 12 seasons with no problems. At times I process 1000 gallons of sap in a day sweetening to 14% most of the time. That takes 3 passes and the RO runs all day and into the night.

04-09-2017, 05:52 AM
I would prob lI've a commercial one however it comes down to money. For my first go at an ro I was thinking about finding a used one. I have seem a few there for 2500 to 3500. Does deer run and water guys not recirculat

Russell Lampron
04-09-2017, 06:06 AM
I would prob lI've a commercial one however it comes down to money. For my first go at an ro I was thinking about finding a used one. I have seem a few there for 2500 to 3500. Does deer run and water guys not recirculat

I believe that they do but it isn't the same at the Lapierre and CDL. The Lapierre and CDL use a jet pump mounted on the bottom of the membrane tower that swirls the sap at the face of the membrane keeping it from clogging up.

maple flats
04-09-2017, 07:11 AM
My deer Run RO recirculates but it is done by simply opening a recirculate needle valve just before the concentrate flow control valve, and that sends a portion back thru the high pressure pump and membranes again. I've used mine for 6 seasons now. Originally mine had a Honda gas engine, but after I got grid power to the sugarhouse, I converted it to electric. Mine will take 2% sap to 8% in one pass, but this year I had no 2% sap. By opening the recirculate valve I can get 1.2% sap to 6% in one pass, then I draw from my head tank and recirculate thru again and I got it to 10-12%. Saves lots of time and wood. On my 3x8 boiling at 70-75 gph, the Deer Run RO can be run to match the boil rate but I prefer to run the concentrate flow faster and then recirculate again for even higher concentration. I've run as high as 14% without issue, but once I was doing other things while recirculating the RO, it got to 18% and plugged the membrane enough that I had to run a 4-5 minute permeate rinse to clear the membrane then I could resume running the RO, this time adding more fresh sap to the head tank while I was boiling. The Deer Run does good up to 14%, does not like 18%, I'm not sure about between those two, I never tried. Ray at Deer Run says he generally goes to 15% max.

04-09-2017, 07:30 AM
I would prob lI've a commercial one however it comes down to money. For my first go at an ro I was thinking about finding a used one. I have seem a few there for 2500 to 3500. Does deer run and water guys not recirculat

You can get a new Deer Run for your size operation in that price range. They don't have a separate pump for recirculation, but they do have a recirculation valve that I used to take 2% to 6-8% in one pass. It obviously slows down the rate, but that's going to happen when you recirculate on any unit. I never got around to trying multiple passes, so I can't compare recirculation vs. multiple passes. I can't speak to the benefits of the recirc. pump. It's probably excellent, but if it's the one feature that knocks an RO out of your price range then you are better off still getting an RO without it.

You might get lucky buying used. Everyone is always upgrading. The only problem I ever read about doing that is there's no tech support for you and you'll need that in your first year. That and price were important for my decision.

By the way, Deer Run also offers a small discount if you purchase in the summer.

04-09-2017, 08:08 AM
We have just shy of 400 taps and will be going to near 800 next year. We have used a CDL Hobby 250 for the last three years. It has worked well for us. We screwed up last year and just forgot to drain it after a long day (processed almost 1000 gallons of sap) and walked out of the sugar house. The CDL Hobby is okay to be stored/used in a cold room. JUST DRAIN IT when finished with the wash. Our customer support has been great to keep running.

We bought ours when we had about 275 taps. We debated teh 125 vs 250. It was a no brainer for the price difference and the opportunity to expand. Only just before the firs boil did we have concern about having enough permeate for a wash...no issues once you have 400 gallons of sap. This is not a problem in your case, but you will want to have the larger one to handle a day or two worth of sap in a reasonable time. My dad is at the sugarhouse today processing about 900 gallons of sap from the last 2 days. I am work and will be there to help wash and do the final boil.

We are looking at growing to about 1000-1200 taps and will step up to a CDL 600 RO. We estimate we would like to have about 1000 gallons of sap to make sure we have enough permeate for the wash cycle. We may be able to get away with 800 or so gallons, but we are planning on that being a lite day.

Get the CDL Hobby 250 or somebody else's 250 or larger. I am sure the production rate will far out weigh the cost difference.


04-09-2017, 08:45 AM
I second the recommendation for the Deer Run 250. I had a 375 and liked it alot. Like Russ said, its not as good as a commercially made maple ro, but will definitley allow you to boil alot less. Its amazing how my D&G 600 will just keep chugging along without plugging up the membrane. Thats because it has true recirculation like others said.

cur dog
04-09-2017, 09:09 AM
I've had a Deer Run 250 for two seasons now. Its been great. I routinely concentrate to 12% by recirculating back into my holding tank. I'm planning on ordering a new 500 for next season. My 250 will be for sale if anyone is interested.

04-09-2017, 11:37 AM
I might be interested in your deer run 250. I've never used an ro yet but have been thinking alot about using one along with my steamaway. You can contact me at mjjtw@windstream.net or on maple trader. Thank-You
Mike Wittman
St. Marys,Pa.

04-09-2017, 11:55 AM
I would also check out H2O R/O's. My brother has 2 and had good luck with them. Also seeing how you are in Warner, look at MES, they aren't too far from you.

04-09-2017, 08:21 PM
So with the smaller ro's. Can you start them up and leave for a while (go collect more sap) do they shut off when thedtank is dry or when the pressure gets to high?

04-09-2017, 09:45 PM
So with the smaller ro's. Can you start them up and leave for a while (go collect more sap) do they shut off when thedtank is dry or when the pressure gets to high?
My Deere run does both

04-10-2017, 09:20 AM
I have a Lapierre 250 turbo for sale. Will take 2% sap to 8%, shuts off when out of sap and when reaches correct temp during cleaning so no babysitting it. Great unit, only reason I am selling it is for a bigger unit. Comes with wash tank and valve panel also. MES membranes are only 2 years old.