View Full Version : Sap Microbes

04-07-2017, 06:37 PM
Ok, so another thread has got me wondering about these microbes. Everyone knows they're in there in varying quantities, but little info beyond that. This is probably a question for Dr.Tim. What do they look like?, are there any pictures of them? Are they mobile, swimming around in the sap or more stationary forming colonies stuck to the sides of your buckets, spiles or tubing? Are there many different kinds of microbes in sap or just a few? Or one? More kinds than you could count? I probably don't want to know, but I do!

04-07-2017, 07:57 PM
They are mostly round or rod shaped. Too small to see with out a really good microscope. The worst for making slime are colony formers, but there are also free floating, but not swimming. Not sure of how many species are in sap, but would guess there may be more than you could easily count. The actual bacteria are not extremely difficult to kill, but the spores, basically well protected eggs, can be extremely difficult to kill. Easy to kill the living bacteria but the spores stay viable and start new growth as soon as growing conditions are good again.

04-08-2017, 08:19 AM
The most common are the pseudomonas, (rod-shaped) and they do NOT produce spores but a significant number of cells can produce exopolysaccharides associated with biofilm formation. Exopolysaccharide production also contributes to surface-colonising biofilms that are difficult to remove from food preparation surfaces. Growth of pseudomonads on spoiling foods can generate a "fruity" odor. They DO have flagella for swimming (motility).

Michael Greer
04-08-2017, 01:18 PM
Microbes are everywhere...on you equipment, gloves, tree bark, firewood, and anything else you can name. It's pointless to think you could kill them, so your energy should be directed at not offering them the conditions they want. Keep sap cold and process it sooner rather than later.