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View Full Version : Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning Solution Information and method?

04-07-2017, 07:04 AM
I'm looking for a few bits of information about cleaning with hydrogen peroxide, and haven't been able to find much in terms of solutions or mix rates to use. just posts that say "use it". I ordered two gallons of food grade of 35% hydrogen peroxide which is due in any day.

I have to clean out my 3/16 lines and drops (spouts will be replaced next season) and then i have to remove all my lines from my borrowed land.

What's the best mixture rate to make a solution that i can pump up the lines and flush them with?
Can i pump it up the lines while the taps are in the tree's still? my thought was to pull one tap at a time and let it flush for 15-20 seconds before hooking it back to itself, then i was going to let it sit for a few days to air dry before spooling all the lines up.

maple flats
04-07-2017, 07:30 AM
When I used it, I mixed 1 qt in 100 gal water or 400/1 ratio. It worked fine. Then I just started the dry clean method and like it better. I now just pull the end tap and run the vacuum until the line is dry. Then I pull the rest of the taps.
The food grade Hydrogen Peroxide method worked good, it was just more work and you had to be extra careful with the peroxide.

04-07-2017, 11:34 AM
Pumping up the lines is not easy. We did it for may years as you suggest and you will get wet.

What I do now is a 16 oz cup into a 35 gallon tank. I use the stronger side of the chart on our concentrate. We then take a back pack sprayer and the 4 wheeler to the bush. the wand of the sprayer was cut to a 6" section and a piece of sap 5/16 line was put on it. This is used to pump solution into the spout. Then it is plugged and left to hang. In the fall we [U]try[U] to go back thru and refill the lines before they freeze for the winter that happened one time.

On the container it will say how to mix. I am one that figures a few extra cents will be well spent if the lines are clean and I save it on the other end when I don't use as many sap filters.

I must agree with Flats. Becareful with the peroxide. get the concentrate on your hands and they will be so white. It isn't as bad as when we used bleach by any means. LOL

04-09-2017, 10:15 PM
For vacuum I use a backpack sprayer I stick the tap in the handle and press it the vacuum sucks solution from the tank you can probably rig something off of it and pump it up and spray it through. Make sure it's a new sprayer.

04-10-2017, 05:59 AM
For vacuum I use a backpack sprayer I stick the tap in the handle and press it the vacuum sucks solution from the tank you can probably rig something off of it and pump it up and spray it through. Make sure it's a new sprayer.

Pulling the cleaning solution in under vacuum is typically far less effective than injecting it. With vacuum, the contact time between the sanitizer and the spout/tubing is far too low (tenths of a second to a second at most). Most sanitizers require contact times of minutes in order to be effective. It helps some, but is not nearly as effective as you'd think.

Urban Sugarmaker
04-10-2017, 09:08 AM
Why is alcohol not legal in the US? I used the H2O2 method yesterday. I plugged all the laterals except the last tap, then used my pump to fill the lines with the solution, then waited 30 minutes. Then I flushed the rest through and drained.

04-10-2017, 10:15 AM
Pulling the cleaning solution in under vacuum is typically far less effective than injecting it. With vacuum, the contact time between the sanitizer and the spout/tubing is far too low (tenths of a second to a second at most). Most sanitizers require contact times of minutes in order to be effective. It helps some, but is not nearly as effective as you'd think.
I'll have to try it differently next year. It's going to be alot of solution water to fill 1 1/4 line that's about a mile long. How does it get in your droplines then? Or do you just leave them uncapped?

04-10-2017, 12:03 PM
Why is alcohol not legal in the US?

Used in this way (to clean maple tubing/spouts) it is considered a pesticide and is thus is regulated by the EPA. No company has applied to the EPA for using IPA for use in maple, thus it is illegal to use. Could it be? Maybe....but some company would have to apply and prove that it was safe and effective in order for that to occur. It is not a particularly cheap thing to do.

04-10-2017, 02:00 PM
It's going to be alot of solution water to fill 1 1/4 line that's about a mile long.

337 gallons to fill 5280' of 1.25 mainline.

Put a surflow pump on the mainline to pump the solution in the system and allow the air to excape out the drops and then plug them; if you are looking to fill the entire system. as I recall Steve childs at Cornell found that 30 minute soak time was sufficient to clean the system.

04-10-2017, 03:54 PM
I have a small diaphragm pump.

I was going to use it to pump a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide up the lines to flood them and soak.

But I was told, unless it is a very weak solution, the Hydrogen Peroxide could damage the diaphragm in the pump.

Anyone else have this problem?



04-10-2017, 04:00 PM
I have a small diaphragm pump.

I was going to use it to pump a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide up the lines to flood them and soak.

But I was told, unless it is a very weak solution, the Hydrogen Peroxide could damage the diaphragm in the pump.

Anyone else have this problem?


I don't see how the extra oxy molecule could hurt a pump?

I'm still curious if i can pump them up from the bottom while they're in the trees, or if i have to pull them first. Part of my bush is very steep, and if i can save one or two trips up and down the mountain, i'm all for it.