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View Full Version : How long will "Sweetened" last before it needs to be bottled?

04-05-2017, 08:07 AM
Hi everyone, newbie here. fourth year doing up maple syrop at home (around 75 taps).

I've always started boiling sap and finish bottling it on the same day. I've run into a situation where I started last night, had about 140 liters of sap that I got boiled down in my 3 pans (last bit of sap boiled for 15min). it was getting late, busy at work, had to shut it down. I removed the hot sap from the boiler and placed it all in my garage (not heated). How long do I have before it needs to be boiled down to syrup and bottled?

Its my first question for the forum, I've been reading up a load. Most of my questions have already been asked. Thanks for all the help in advance

Steve from NB, Canada

Run Forest Run!
04-05-2017, 09:05 AM
Welcome Steve!

The answer to your question depends on a few things, namely how cold your garage is and how concentrated your 'nearup' is. It's important to keep your nearup as cold as possible and finish your boiling as quickly as possible. If your garage is just above freezing you could safely get a day or maybe two. But, if your schedule doesn't permit that, put the nearup in containers in the freezer and you can then finish it off anytime you want to. You don't want your work, and what could be the last syrup of the season, going to waste.

Nice to hear from another new sugarer!

04-05-2017, 10:55 AM
If you put it in the container still hot, and covered it, it would keep for several days as long as the temperature didn't get too warm. If you really are concerned, put it on the stove or arch and bring it to a brief boil (5 min) every day (add a little fresh sap or water if you need to) to kill anything that might start to grow.

04-05-2017, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the heads up. Going to take tomorrow afternoon off any finish it. Since I took it off last night at midnight. It will only be 1.5 days
