View Full Version : Barker Road - 2017

04-04-2017, 10:22 AM
been a few years since i updated. i saw that 2011 was the last year. doh.

2016 was the first year that i didn't tap since the 1970s. needless to say, i made sure i tapped in 2017. i got a late start, although not so late for me, as both bushes are north and east slopes. put in taps in my sutton bush the last week of february (appx 132 taps at three collection locations). all 5/16 tubing, gravity, with a 3/4" mainline (necked down to 1/2" at the upper end). got enough sap by early march to sweeten the pans, then everything froze solid for a few weeks.

during the freeze, decided to tap the new london bush, which i hadn't used for at least 4 years. i expected more line damage (especially squirrels), but was pleasantly surprised. only major damage was from a neighbor who continues to fell trees onto the property, this time bringing down the mainline (unbroken, but under the snow and with a 4-foot sag). got all that cleaned up, and tapped (about 90 taps, 3/4" mainline, 1/2" up top, 100% gravity system).

finally warmed up late march, and started making syrup. because of the freeze, sap was at 3.2%. made about 2.5 gallons the first "syrup" boil, and another 3 the next day. things froze up again til last week, when i made about 5 more gallons.

then, sunday & monday had great sap runs. lost 150 gallons when four transport barrels went over the side of my truck yesterday (see the "red roof maples 2017" thread for a post there about it today). still made 2.5 gallons yesterday, and have hopes to make the same today, depending upon how much i have left in the orchard barrels from yesterday.

before losing my sap yesterday, i figured i'd come close to my 35+ year average of 17 gallons. meh, if i end up with 15, i'll be happy. always good to fire the evaporator and make syrup.


04-05-2017, 07:26 AM
out of dry wood, sap down to 1.0, no freezing in sight. i guess i'm done for the season. finished what i had on hand last night, total of 12 to 13 gallons. less than i'd hoped for, but i'm still happy with it.

out to pull taps, and remove the tank drains. amazing, as there is no sap in the tanks, but still plenty of ice, yet the season is done. can't say i remember the season ending while having ice in my tanks before.


04-06-2017, 07:03 AM
If you want more sap to boil or some concentrate to try come over to my place around noon

04-06-2017, 09:09 AM
appreciate the offer, parker. i'm done, though. cleaned the pans, put stuff away.

might stop by anyway, just to say hello.
