View Full Version : Any ideas how much time is left.....

04-03-2017, 04:42 PM
Hi everyone......first timer and newbie here. How much time do you figure we have left? I have 11 taps out that I only put out 2 weeks ago....have not had great success because of the weather and the cold temps we had.
I'm west of Montreal in St. Lazare....hopefully we have more like today...... seems to be better and some of my taps are doing great.


Run Forest Run!
04-03-2017, 05:05 PM
Welcome! Hopefully your taps are in sugar maples and not soft maples because your 14 day forecast is not looking great. Keep your taps in for a while longer and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised. If not, pull them and start planning for next year! :)

04-03-2017, 05:20 PM
Hey Robert, at this stage, your guess is as good as anyone else's. There are so many microclimates around, and factors like age, health and location of trees, what type of maple you're tapping, and of course the ^!#& weather which has thrown a monkeywrench into many sugarmakers' plans. There don't seem to be many members from La Belle Province here, I don't know if the Federation has its own site? Anyway sorry I can't be of more help. Just ride it out as best you can.

04-03-2017, 06:00 PM
Thanks for the reply.....i will for sure continue to ride it out. My maples are sugar maples that I know for sure. My property has a mix of both hardwood and soft....most all trees are very tall and the soil in our area is very sandy! I don't have many large diameter trees....just enough for 1 tap and only a couple to put 2 taps.
How large are your trees??

04-03-2017, 06:02 PM
Thanks Karen......really appreciate your help. I know the forecast is not great with night time temps not dipping below freezing.
I will keep them in and see what happens.

04-03-2017, 06:23 PM
Thanks for the reply.....i will for sure continue to ride it out. My maples are sugar maples that I know for sure. My property has a mix of both hardwood and soft....most all trees are very tall and the soil in our area is very sandy! I don't have many large diameter trees....just enough for 1 tap and only a couple to put 2 taps.
How large are your trees??

Hi Robert, my soil is also quite sandy, lots of quarries in this area. I have mostly large mature maples with 3 spiles apiece and two spiles in my little bush maple. Technically I should probably have only one tap in the bush maple (a sugar) which is probably 14 in across (my mature trees are all really big between 24-36 inches across) but as it is on its own, with no competition crowding it and stealing water, and it has a nice healthy crown and limbs, so I have no problem putting two in it.