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View Full Version : I think I warped my pan

04-01-2017, 03:19 PM
I burned my syrup pan last week and began to clean it up today.


I washed it out and filled it with a combination of vinegar and water to let it soap.

While I was hosing off the bottom of the pan, I notice the SS bottom looked kind of "wavy":

16299 16300 16301 16302

This is my first year using a divided pan.

Is this pan warped? If so, can it be fixed? If not, can I still use it or do I need to buy a new pan. :cry:



04-01-2017, 03:59 PM
Mine is pretty wavy like that too. I never burnt the pan, but not sure if the previous owner did or not. Does not seem to affect anything.

04-01-2017, 04:07 PM
Same here. I have a dip like that right at my draw. I've had temp spikes, but not scorched this pan. It doesn't take much. You're in the club, now.

04-01-2017, 04:07 PM
I've had worse. Don't have any pictures to prove it. I didn't want proof anyways. That pan is no longer with me. But gave me an excuse and reason to get a new one. Last year.
I would assume as long as your levels are ok and the pan flows ok it should be salvageable. Looks like it warped downwards. What happens when the pan heats up. Have you checked your levels with sap in it? When it's at full temp.
That's quite the scorch at your draw off. Did that clean up?
I'm sure others will chime in about the salvage ability but I would say as long as the pan works and when at full firing temp you don't get the pan warping back upwards and screwing up levels it should be ok. Try it with water and see what happens. Can't hurt it anymore.

04-01-2017, 04:09 PM
Looks a bit warped. There will be some warping due to heat and metal expansion. Try a block of wood and a rubber mallet to take some of it out. They will sag/warp because of the nature of expansion.

04-01-2017, 04:53 PM

I hope to have it cleaned up by tomorrow for another boil. I've collected about 100 gallons of sap in the last week or so and I need to boil it or lose it.

I'll see how well it flows.

thanks for your advise.


04-01-2017, 04:56 PM
It's warped but not ruined. My evaporator has a front pan that way. I bought it used last summer and the guy I bought it from had purchased it used 7-8 years before. He said the pan was that way when he bought it. It boils fine, just have to make sure your sap is deep enough that the high spots in the ripples have enough sap over them.

04-02-2017, 08:02 AM
No leaks? No worries! The warp looks like one-half inch, so just keep your sap that much deeper. Vinegar+Time=Pan Looks Like New