View Full Version : Gpd?

03-31-2017, 07:01 PM
Hi All.
I'm wondering if I used a procon 250psi pump and 1 - 4" x 40" membrane how many gpd can I do?
Thanks for any input.

03-31-2017, 07:14 PM
kind of need to know the gph of the pump

03-31-2017, 07:43 PM
That is the part I don't know. Are most of the procon carbonator pumps roughly the same gph or ??? Don't know much about them.

03-31-2017, 11:16 PM
No, they vary drasticly. When you get into larger RO's flow rate is usually measured in GPH not GPD? For a single 4x40 I used 190 gph procon which is the minimum size you would want to use. Some use up to 330 gph. You should be able to remove 15%-30% water per pass depending on sugar content. So say at 20% with a 190 gph procon you would remove 38 gph of water. This is about what I do on average. And you do NOT want a pump with pressure relief. Pressure should be regulated with a needle valve and a high pressure switch.

04-01-2017, 05:16 AM
Look for the model number on your procon pump. The numbers to the right of the first letter will be pump GPH, the last numbers are pressure

04-01-2017, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the replies and the good info. I did find that the pumps vary a lot with some research. I am running a rig I made up with 3 - tw30 1812 membranes and it works awesome but it's too slow. I need to up production. I can cook it off faster than the ro will condense it. Time to spend more money on this "hobby". When I started all of this maple stuff I sometimes think I should have just bought a tanker of syrup and been done with it but then I would have missed out on all of this fun!! LOL