View Full Version : Seprotech Parts

03-30-2017, 07:21 PM
I have a 1980's Seprotech 900. Does anyone know if parts are available for the recirculation pump? I know it needs a shaft seal but it started squealing this evening.

03-30-2017, 11:56 PM
The shaft seal for that 3hp recirc pump is available but may not be in stock by any maple dealers any more. Leader used to have them in stock as the same seal was used in the old fiberglass vessel Springtech and Memtek ro. It is a pretty expensive seal as it is pressure balanced and this type of seal is commonly rebuilt rather than replaced if time is not an issue .
The squealing is probably just a motor bearing which is cheap and pretty easy to replace if you are handy or if you have a motor shop nearby.
A lot of these pumps drip from the seal for years with no problem.

03-31-2017, 12:14 AM
Thank you WMF
The leak has not really changed since I got the machine 3 years ago. Hate to admit the squeal. Dumb spell. I have been having trouble with a couple sticky conactors. When the machine shut down and I restarted for second pass the noise was gone. I figured out the noise happens when the other two pumps are on and the recirc is not. Sounds like you know these machines well enough to know how loud the magakist is.... so I could not hear that the recirc did not start when I hit the switch.

Where would be a good place to get the seal rebuilt?

03-31-2017, 01:12 AM
Thank you WMF
The leak has not really changed since I got the machine 3 years ago. Hate to admit the squeal. Dumb spell. I have been having trouble with a couple sticky conactors. When the machine shut down and I restarted for second pass the noise was gone. I figured out the noise happens when the other two pumps are on and the recirc is not. Sounds like you know these machines well enough to know how loud the magakist is.... so I could not hear that the recirc did not start when I hit the switch.

Where would be a good place to get the seal rebuilt?

Apex Sealing is in the same industrial park as D&G. Might want to try them, I was going to the next time I am there. I purchased some from John Crane but they were about $400 each. First they said they only deal with big business but talked them into it. If Apex helps you out let me know.

03-31-2017, 05:02 AM
Apex Sealing is in the same industrial park as D&G. Might want to try them, I was going to the next time I am there. I purchased some from John Crane but they were about $400 each. First they said they only deal with big business but talked them into it. If Apex helps you out let me know.

Thank you Mark. At this point I will try something after season. $400 seems steep but way better than the price of a new RO.

03-31-2017, 06:55 AM
Glen has some recirc pumps. I think in the shop.

03-31-2017, 10:01 AM
Glen has some recirc pumps. I think in the shop.
Glen? Would that be Goodrich?

I am looking for a couple stainless cones.

William, is it the seal leaking or is it leaking around the seal seat? The aluminum heads corrode and the stationary seat will have a problem sealing. If that is the problem I have seen a modification to replace part of the head with plastic. I think Lapierre does that. I have always wondered what Lapierre uses, might be the same seal.

03-31-2017, 12:03 PM
Glen? Would that be Goodrich?

I am looking for a couple stainless cones.

William, is it the seal leaking or is it leaking around the seal seat? The aluminum heads corrode and the stationary seat will have a problem sealing. If that is the problem I have seen a modification to replace part of the head with plastic. I think Lapierre does that. I have always wondered what Lapierre uses, might be the same seal.

That is who brian is talking about. Pretty sure they are different than mine after a phone call with brian this am. My pump is a stand alone mounted in the rack above the motor for the piston high pressure. From what he said the ones at Goodrich's mount on the membrane housing. I will probably go see them soon to check.

03-31-2017, 12:04 PM
I will try to get a picture of mine later today.

03-31-2017, 04:05 PM
Wiam's Seprotech is the old school with fiberglass vessels and a single 3hp forged stainless recirc pump plumbed in series with the vessels via 1.5 inch copper pipe.
The seal is the same style as in Marks later Seprotech with individual recirc pumps on each stainless vessel but the size is different.
Wiam's pump is mounted horizontally so when the seal leaks it just drips and the slinger on the motor shaft "usually" keeps liquid out of the motor bearings.
Mark I am sure knows all too well that when his style leaks liquid is forced up into the motor and then the trouble starts.
I had two old school ro's with the M-38E setting side by side and they were pretty loud but they made us a lot of syrup before we upgraded to a 4 post CDL .
Wiam, when you get around to replacing the seal you can just remove the four 1/2 bolts on the housing and unhook the small copper balancing tube and remove the motor and impeller and leave the pump housing in place. The impeller is just threaded onto the motor shaft but it will need a precision hit with a hammer and block of wood to unthread it.
The seal preload is important and most seals have a reference mark scribed onto them so you can get it right.

03-31-2017, 08:29 PM
Wiam's Seprotech is the old school with fiberglass vessels and a single 3hp forged stainless recirc pump plumbed in series with the vessels via 1.5 inch copper pipe.
The seal is the same style as in Marks later Seprotech with individual recirc pumps on each stainless vessel but the size is different.
Wiam's pump is mounted horizontally so when the seal leaks it just drips and the slinger on the motor shaft "usually" keeps liquid out of the motor bearings.
Mark I am sure knows all too well that when his style leaks liquid is forced up into the motor and then the trouble starts.
I had two old school ro's with the M-38E setting side by side and they were pretty loud but they made us a lot of syrup before we upgraded to a 4 post CDL .
Wiam, when you get around to replacing the seal you can just remove the four 1/2 bolts on the housing and unhook the small copper balancing tube and remove the motor and impeller and leave the pump housing in place. The impeller is just threaded onto the motor shaft but it will need a precision hit with a hammer and block of wood to unthread it.
The seal preload is important and most seals have a reference mark scribed onto them so you can get it right.

I thought had been sneaking in my RO room till you mentioned the small copper tube. Mine is plastic, and leaking right above the shaft seal I found today. So might be easy fix. Then I sprung a leak at the top end cap on the vessel that is still Fiberglas. Going to tear that down now. What a fun sport we play. lol

04-02-2017, 02:16 PM
Pumps at Goodrich's go on membrane housing. Not like mine. I'm guessing they are like Mark's. I think there are 4 there. The leak was not the shaft seal but the 1/8" x compression adapter was fracked on the compression end. New fitting and I'm good there.

04-02-2017, 02:20 PM
My recirc pump. You can see the new fitting and line. :)