View Full Version : Budding question

03-29-2017, 01:23 PM
Hello all,

Just curious how large buds will be before I should call it quits? Will the sap stop running when they are set in or do I need to be watchful to make sure I do not waste my time gathering something that will be nasty? I hear folks talking about them swelling and I can see them on some of my trees but not all of them are the same

03-29-2017, 01:47 PM
In my opinion, there are many that think they can decifer what to do based on vision of the buds. It really means nothing. I have made buddy and metabolism syrup in years that the twigs look bare as can be, and I've made fine syrup when the trees actually look swelled. Case in point this year, you look up at those hills and see the changes from a week ago, the reddish undertone on the tree tops and as of this morning no trace of bud or off smell in the syrup which surprises me. Of course its been pretty cool and cloudy this year. A couple 60's and 70's will end it regardless.

03-29-2017, 01:51 PM
Forgot to mention...if youhave soft maple, they have buds on in December, big red buds. Again, means nothing, but yes softs will quit sooner because of budding. you will get sap after the trees bud if weather conditions. Usually it'll show up as a fishy smell in the steam the first day. Usually at first detection, its pretty mild, so you will get a llittle warning.

03-29-2017, 01:53 PM
What Mark said......

Research indicates that buddy sap starts in the very early stages of bud swelling....which is almost imperceptible to most folks. But unless you're going to go out and look at a huge bunch of buds in the tops of dozens of trees using binoculars, then better to spend your time elsewhere.

The sure fire way to test suspect sap is by boiling a pot full on the stove. If it smells really bad and tastes really bad after you've reduced it a bit (not necessary to get it all the way to syrup to recognize the smell), then the syrup will also be bad. At that point...just STOP. There is no real use for buddy syrup.

03-29-2017, 03:36 PM
OK thanks for the info. I made a small batch last week when the buds looked swelled and it turned out great but as we get farther into spring I did wonder how I would tell. It sounds like it is pretty noticeable once the boiling starts so I should know this weekend when I take care of everything from this week. thanks for the quick responses!