View Full Version : Moral Question

5 Oaks
03-23-2017, 12:25 PM
So my Father brought over some wood for me to "feed the beast". However I noticed it is Maple. I explained that burning Maple in an Arch is not morally acceptable. I explained to him it is like eating a Banana on a Boat, (he's a Navy Vet) it can be done, but not the correct thing to do. Bad karma.

So, can you all help me? Do i use it in the arch or give to the kids for the camp fire ring?

03-23-2017, 12:30 PM
It'll make some fine syrup.
Heck Mr. Potato head eats lays.

03-23-2017, 01:19 PM
Here I thought you were gonna talk about mushrooms. LOL
Regarding the wood, I wouldn't chance it. Send it to Central Wisconsin please.

buckeye gold
03-23-2017, 01:41 PM
Burn it and never look back....there has been a lot of maple through my evaporator.

maple flats
03-23-2017, 02:28 PM
Any properly managed sugarbush removes maples. Over the years in most any sugarhouse with a managed bush, there is sugar maple in the wood stack. Use it, there's lots of BTU's in there, it will make great syrup.

03-23-2017, 02:59 PM
No, don't burn it. Bad Karma.
You need to get rid of it.
I'll send you my address for delivery...

03-23-2017, 04:06 PM
It's not immoral to make maple syrup with maple firewood. As for eating a banana on a navy boat, that's ok too.. as long as you eat it sideways.. like an ear of corn. ;)

03-23-2017, 04:14 PM
Maybe you just need to think of it a different way. Perhaps bring burned to make syrup is the highest honor a piece of maple firewood can achieve. Well, okay, maybe being a table is better, but better go towards a bottle of syrup than a campfire. You never know...

03-23-2017, 06:22 PM
I'd take any help I can get, within reason, don't want him to think he shouldn't try helping you because you won't be grateful, might be the last time he offers to help.

03-23-2017, 06:30 PM
You can't tap a piece of firewood

03-23-2017, 07:29 PM
There is always maples to be cut when thinning and maintaining your sugar lot. Sometimes you have to cut some because they are too close together, or they are no longer healthy. No reason not to burn the wood to make syrup.

03-23-2017, 07:54 PM
Uhm, I personally doubt that anyone else has that strong a moral qualm about burning maple in their arch. Part of responsible forestry is pruning trees, clearing out deadfall, and removing trees that are clearly not doing well or are standing dead. I bet many of those with maple woodlots that they tend bring home and buck up maple that has been felled for a legitimate reason. Why let good wood go to waste? And strictly fwiw, I tell my sugars at the start of the season that they have a choice: Give me sap, or give me firewood. Usually I get sap :-)

03-23-2017, 08:56 PM
Is it wrong to put cheese (a dairy product from cows) on a hamburger? Or make an omelet with shredded chicken in it?

5 Oaks
03-24-2017, 06:51 AM
Thanks for all the input. "give me sap or give me fire wood" just about had my mind changed. But then I read about cheese on a burger...Who doesn't put cheese on a burger? So I guess I go home split it up and burn it. I will give my Dad a bottle that it helped make!

03-24-2017, 07:06 AM
Thanks for all the input. "give me sap or give me fire wood" just about had my mind changed....

Hehe, think that'll be my sideproject this year...get some 'Give me sap or give me firewood' T-shirts done up...problem is trees can't read ;-) And definitely make the most of that great maple you have on hand now to burn.

03-24-2017, 07:20 AM
Who doesn't put cheese on a burger?

Those who are lactose intolerant. :D

03-24-2017, 07:45 AM
Your not the only person that feels that way. Im a logger and i wont cut hard maple if its healthy. Moral objections.......

5 Oaks
03-24-2017, 09:24 AM
Those who are lactose intolerant. :D

Good point. I was watching Youtube the other day and saw your smiling face. We were in the shack. My buddy jumped when i yelled "hey its the Doctor!!" and I cranked the volume so i could hear you.

"Hehe, think that'll be my sideproject this year...get some 'Give me sap or give me firewood' T-shirts done up...problem is trees can't read ;-) And definitely make the most of that great maple you have on hand now to burn."

I will send you money for one.

03-24-2017, 09:45 AM
Hehe, think that'll be my sideproject this year...get some 'Give me sap or give me firewood' T-shirts done up...problem is trees can't read ;-) And definitely make the most of that great maple you have on hand now to burn.

Galena If you make them I want a link to it. I WANT one of them. LOL

No one would really understand when I wear it, unless they are as twisted as the rest of us here on these forums. I love doing things that make people question me and my sanity anyhow.

I wore one for the longest time that said, "Please to not interrupt me while I am trying to ignore you."
I used to get some odd looks and it made it more enjoyable to me.

as to if its morally wrong?
If its laying next to my woodpile and split. Its going in the fire. Its a warning to trees no matter what its best not to die or tick me off.

Twin Chimneys Syrup
03-24-2017, 10:13 AM
Burn it its free wood! I gotta believe it's a fitting end for maple to make syrup or fine carpentry. I don't shy away from burning it in the house or the evaporator, it never occurred it could be bad luck!

03-24-2017, 01:07 PM
Dang, I was expecting something about human cloning or killing an albatross at sea or something? Yeah, burn it. You'll be fine.

03-24-2017, 01:17 PM
Hehe looks like I have yet another project on my hands with these Ts, lol! I have to look into the $$$ involved as it's silk-screening and have to get an idea as to run size, minimum orders etc....oh and go and design the danged things! The Tap Me toques I did last year were a bit easier cause they're one size fits all, and now they have the template for them. And as with the toques, I am taking the Henry Ford approach: 'You can have any colour you want, so long as it's black' ;-)

03-24-2017, 01:20 PM
Nooo…no…nope…nuh-ah, I wouldn’t burn it, not in the arch…bad ju-ju.
I’d trade it even up for a few logs from the “heat the house” pile or the “I’m gonna make something out of that” pile (which never seems to get smaller anyway, ‘cause while I have the tools, I have neither the time nor inclination).

Now I’ve read that you can ward off the plagues certain to befall you should you burn it in the arch if you perform the required ceremony prior.
It’s akin to the ceremony used in renaming a boat, though not quite as complicated.
It does, however, call for fig leaves, bare feet, sacrificial drink and the proper vocalizations towards the appropriate points of the compass.
The syrup gods must be appeased.

Oh, and cheese belongs on a ham sandwich, not a burger.
Cheese on a burger is like ketchup on a hotdog…bleh!

03-24-2017, 07:32 PM
Hehe looks like I have yet another project on my hands with these Ts, lol! I have to look into the $$$ involved as it's silk-screening and have to get an idea as to run size, minimum orders etc....oh and go and design the danged things! The Tap Me toques I did last year were a bit easier cause they're one size fits all, and now they have the template for them. And as with the toques, I am taking the Henry Ford approach: 'You can have any colour you want, so long as it's black' ;-)
I've been wearing my black "Tap Me" hat a lot this winter, Galena. Wore it while I plowed on my tractor after that big snowstorm last week. Came in looking like the abominable snowman, but my head and ears were toasty! :cool:

Cedar Eater
03-24-2017, 08:50 PM
You should be fine, but just to be sure, you should pour a shot of Canadian Whiskey on every stump that the firewood came from.

Russell Lampron
03-25-2017, 05:12 AM
You should be fine, but just to be sure, you should pour a shot of Canadian Whiskey on every stump that the firewood came from.

Now that's alcohol abuse!

03-25-2017, 06:37 AM
I've been wearing my black "Tap Me" hat a lot this winter, Galena. Wore it while I plowed on my tractor after that big snowstorm last week. Came in looking like the abominable snowman, but my head and ears were toasty! :cool:

Hehe great, good to know it works! As does mine. Feel free to send pics!

03-25-2017, 08:57 AM
about 20 years ago, the roof leaked at the local high school gym, severely warping the floor. it had to be replaced. my dad was a teacher there, and asked the demo crew if he could have the old flooring, which was sugar maple. they loaded his pickup each day, and it got stacked in the sugar house. burned excellent through the arch.

Cedar Eater
03-25-2017, 09:24 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Cedar Eater
You should be fine, but just to be sure, you should pour a shot of Canadian Whiskey on every stump that the firewood came from.

Now that's alcohol abuse!

A sacrifice for a sacrifice. Have to appease the tree gods. :cry::lol:

5 Oaks
03-27-2017, 09:13 AM
Galena If you make them I want a link to it. I WANT one of them. LOL

No one would really understand when I wear it, unless they are as twisted as the rest of us here on these forums. I love doing things that make people question me and my sanity anyhow.

I wore one for the longest time that said, "Please to not interrupt me while I am trying to ignore you."
I used to get some odd looks and it made it more enjoyable to me.

as to if its morally wrong?
If its laying next to my woodpile and split. Its going in the fire. Its a warning to trees no matter what its best not to die or tick me off.

I see by your photo you ride a Mountain Bike. Why would any one question your sanity? If you have ridden the IceMan in the last ten years I most likely have a photo of you!


As for the Maple. I have yet to burn the Maple. I did get a notice that they were going to Clear Cut the easement for power lines in my back yard. I walked out back and noticed "The mark of death" on two of my nicely growing Maples. But they had already cut the easement, but never touched my "red shirt" sap team. So now i am beyond nervous of the Maple Wood pile. I have avoided the death saw once this week. i think I may save the Maple. If we dont make camp fire wood out of it this summer I may pour a little whiskey and burn the wood. Maybe.

04-09-2017, 02:48 PM
I burn maple all the time to boil. sometimes maples just have to come down as any other tree I cleared a lot of maple this year around my property as a septic bed needs to be going in this fall I burned what I have and that's lots of hard woods. I would never cut down a nice healthy maple or beach for that matter tree just to burn as firewood however there are a lot of circumstances where those healthy trees must be cut

04-09-2017, 04:54 PM
I burn maple all the time to boil. sometimes maples just have to come down as any other tree I cleared a lot of maple this year around my property as a septic bed needs to be going in this fall I burned what I have and that's lots of hard woods. I would never cut down a nice healthy maple or beach for that matter tree just to burn as firewood however there are a lot of circumstances where those healthy trees must be cut

08-24-2017, 03:57 PM
I think as for the Maple. I have yet to burn the Maple. I did get a notice that they were going to Clear Cut the easement for power lines in my back yard. I walked out back and noticed "The mark of death" on two of my nicely growing Maples. I think i save the Mape.