View Full Version : Mechanical releaser reviews ?
03-21-2017, 09:54 AM
My old releaser has given me nothing but trouble the past few runs ,I think it's time for a new one ! What is the most reliable 2000-3000 tap mechanical releaser available? Thanks
My old releaser has given me nothing but trouble the past few runs ,I think it's time for a new one ! What is the most reliable 2000-3000 tap mechanical releaser available? Thanks
If I was to buy one I would get the Lapierre Horizontal. The price on these is $1300. I would stay away from CDL when it comes to Mechanical Releasers. The releaser is the weakest link to the sap gathering system.
03-21-2017, 11:12 AM
I'm with Spud. I really like my Lapierre Horizontal I have the 24" Single Continuous Vacuum model. Its rated up to 10,000 taps with continuous no need for a double. Very nice bang for the buck IMO.
Russell Lampron
03-21-2017, 08:05 PM
Another vote for the Lapierre horizontal releaser here. Fewer moving parts than a double releaser for less money and will handle more taps. Mine is rated for 8000 taps and I only have 700 on it. Overkill? Sure but it is almost trouble free.
03-21-2017, 08:49 PM
I have a Lapierre double vertical mechanical releaser for 3 years now and I love it. I never had any issues. I can go up to 3000 taps. I would highly recommend Lapierre releaser they are the best.
Lapierre. And don't but one of those Bernard that they sell. I have had 5 lapeirre 900 tap veritical releasers for 11 years and they operate mostly care free season after season.
03-22-2017, 08:05 AM
Another vote for Lapierre but I have mechanical verticals. Clean after season and lube, little problems. Understand the concept of doubles just never liked all the moving parts and shifting back and forth. Only issue I have with vertical is mine tends to slam shut after dumping, the splashing/misting tends to build up in vacuum line so a good moisture trap is absolutely a necessity.
Jeff E
03-30-2017, 03:24 PM
I have 2 simple single horizontal Lapierre/Bernard type. Season 11 with them, and only had to replace 1 hinge. I really like them for reliability and cost effectiveness.
One general issue I wish was addressed is the bottom sap dump needs to be shrouded to keep sap from splashing everywhere if the releaser sits atop a tank.
I have a couple of ways of dealing with it, but you would think there would be a standard design that would address this.
maple maniac65
03-30-2017, 03:43 PM
I have 2 bernard, one Lapierre and d&g double vertical brand new. All are mechanical. Bernard is a pain to work on because you have to take three screws off to lube it. Lapierre you just pull it apart. The d&get is brand new and the only reason I bought it is because it was in the scratch dent pile at leader for 750 still in shrink wrap.
Russell Lampron
03-30-2017, 06:29 PM
I have 2 simple single horizontal Lapierre/Bernard type. Season 11 with them, and only had to replace 1 hinge. I really like them for reliability and cost effectiveness.
One general issue I wish was addressed is the bottom sap dump needs to be shrouded to keep sap from splashing everywhere if the releaser sits atop a tank.
I have a couple of ways of dealing with it, but you would think there would be a standard design that would address this.
On my horizontal Lapierre I cut the bottom out of a 5 gallon plastic bucket then radioused the top of the bucket to fit the shape of the bottom of the releaser. I hold to the bucket to the bottom of the releaser by running a bungee cord over the top of the releaser.
Sunday Rock Maple
03-30-2017, 10:23 PM
Bottom failed on one canister of our 2012 double Bernard vertical today. We had a spare as the other side failed during the big Easter run last year and Lapierre rebuilt it under warranty. We have another just like it at another location that I hope makes through the end of the season.
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