03-18-2017, 07:16 PM
Here is one that struck me kind of odd today. 20 inches of vacuum at the pump, 17 inches in the furthest lateral line (yes, there are some minor leaks), sap lines full of sap, and hardly anything coming out at the pump. Screens are out. This is about 275 taps on 2, 3/4" lines. If I shut down my left line, I get a vacuum increase of about 4 inches, and still hardly anything coming out. The pump is a double guzzler. Of course, I volunteered for some overtime at work tonight, so the issue will need to wait until morning. Plan to pull the manifold off the intake side to see if that clears the lines of sap. The only thing that really makes any sense, the discharge side has to be plugged. Not sure if it would be the duck bill valves of the discharge side, or a clog of gunk from the lines. Which has been seen in the lines with all the warm weather we have had. It has been below freezing for 5 or 6 days, up to 41 today with overcast and drizzle, and yesterday was above freezing, even through the night. I don't think it is ice. When I reopened my left line, I did get a few glop's of sap that looked to have the whole 3/4" line full. But it didn't last long. I think I also want to put a pressure gauge on a tree so I can monitor that too. Just kind of a weird scenario.