View Full Version : What happened to Heus' thead

03-12-2017, 08:40 PM
Gees, I just came back in and try to check on Heus's thread on his Smoky Lake pans and new Leader 2x8 oil fires rig and it's gone because of MaybeDave?

There was some good information being exchanged and now it's deleted? What's up with that?

Does MaybeDave run this place now? It sure looks like it and I've got to say it's getting old.

This cat jumps into the discussion, gets personal and stirs the pot, thread goes south because of him and now everyone has to leave? I don't get it. Been here for 8 years - I don't like what this guy is doing, there's not enough room here for both of us - one of us has to go.

Stepping off the soap box now. Thanks, John

03-12-2017, 08:56 PM
John it disappeared from the other site, too.

03-12-2017, 08:56 PM
I agree. The wrong people were banned.

03-12-2017, 08:58 PM
Gees, I just came back in and try to check on Heus's thread on his Smoky Lake pans and new Leader 2x8 oil fires rig and it's gone because of MaybeDave?

There was some good information being exchanged and now it's deleted? What's up with that?

Does MaybeDave run this place now? It sure looks like it and I've got to say it's getting old.

This cat jumps into the discussion, gets personal and stirs the pot, thread goes south because of him and now everyone has to leave? I don't get it. Been here for 8 years - I don't like what this guy is doing, there's not enough room here for both of us - one of us has to go.

Stepping off the soap box now. Thanks, John

Wow! Don't jump man! LOL

03-12-2017, 10:31 PM
Go figure. I'm not sure who does the moderation on here, but I knew it would be deleted on the other site. Even the moderators over there have been vulgar and directly demeaning to me. They erase comments from 3 moderators (xyz, 3rdgen, and moser) that were made to me then act like it didn't happen. Sorry guys, I have screen shots.

Anywhays, keep up the information swapping here, (just best to never mention Smoky Lake) because the thread will likely get deleted. This site has a great wealth of knowledge and 95% of the people here are good. Also this site has 1000% more traffic on it so that must mean something.

03-13-2017, 05:39 AM
It appears as though mapledavefarm has been banned. I don't mind different opinions but I never saw him post anything constructive here, every post that I saw was an attack. Hopefully things go a bit more smoothly now.

Now if only we can get Haynes back..

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Super Sapper
03-13-2017, 05:48 AM
That sucks, I figured it would get pulled over there but was hoping it would stay here. Heus does not deserve this as he seems like a good guy just giving information. Visited Chuck (Haynes) yesterday and when I got home it looked like it was pretty civil over there but I guess it went bad again. Hopefully both sites figure out that the vast majority of threads that have been deleted lately are due to trouble started by Maple Dave and Wishlist and people reacting to that. By the way Chuck has burned a pan already this year.

03-13-2017, 06:16 AM
Not sure how informative this site can continue to be, if you can't openly discuss different manufacturer's equipment without the risk of the thread being pulled.

If a thread begins to generate personal attacks, maybe pull the offending posts and warn the offender(s), but leave the meat on the table...

It's puzzling me; because for a long time threads regarding the young couple in MN making maple equip. seemed welcome here and - certainly on site#2.
Now the mention of the name is grounds for deletion - on both sites yet? That's seems goofy to me, and makes me wonder what is really behind it all.

03-13-2017, 06:30 AM
You had to know it was going to get pulled. And yes it sucks because there was some excellent discussion in it.

From my observations on this site the issue is not mentioning the manufacturer in question but the responses to it by a few select individuals. If the person(s) in question have indeed been banned, which I have lobbied for months, then there should be no reason that we cant discuss any manufacturer.

03-13-2017, 07:28 AM
My suggestion to all of you is....... If you don't like how things are handled here or on sbi the next time your subscription comes due don't pay it!

maple flats
03-13-2017, 08:06 AM
For those interested, the thread was deleted, not because it contained an honest review of Smoky Lake pans, but because former trader MapleDaveFarm was removed and all of his bad mouthing he kept doing.
Anyone interested in an honest, fair review of Smoky Lake or any other manufacturer is welcome to start (HEUS, you can start a new thread for your review.
MapleDaveFarm was deleted solely because he was all negative but never gave any specifics where he had been wronged.
The rules plainly state that the Maple Trader is not to bad mouth any manufacturer, if anyone has issues with any manufacturer, take it someplace else. The Maple Trader is for those looking for information and to enjoy fellowship with other fellow traders.

03-13-2017, 08:58 AM
Excellent! Thank you!

03-13-2017, 09:09 AM
For those interested, the thread was deleted, not because it contained an honest review of Smoky Lake pans, but because former trader MapleDaveFarm was removed and all of his bad mouthing he kept doing.

An alternative could be to edit out the banned member's comments and then just close the thread - that's how it used to be.

I'm thinking some good information just went out the window, due to the actions of one individual.

XYZ, Not sure where you're coming from with the "pay for your subscription" comment... Comes across as kind of a "my ball - my rules" sort of thing.

buckeye gold
03-13-2017, 09:17 AM
Maybe it would be useful to have a format for reviews of equipment with standard questions.

As an example:

Was your equipment delivered as advertised?

How would you rate the quality of workmanship/materials (on a scale of 1-10)?

Did your equipment preform as advertised?

How was customer service handled?

How would you rate the over all performance?

Would you recommend this to another ?

would you buy again?

and a small comment section.

03-13-2017, 09:43 AM
An alternative could be to edit out the banned member's comments and then just close the thread - that's how it used to be.

I'm thinking some good information just went out the window, due to the actions of one individual.

XYZ, Not sure where you're coming from with the "pay for your subscription" comment... Comes across as kind of a "my ball - my rules" sort of thing.

My point is these sites are FREE. If you don't like how things are handled contact Chris or Kim and volunteer your time to moderate the site, its not as easy as it looks, a lot of FREE time is spent keeping things running on a online forum.

03-13-2017, 10:07 AM
I think most here know that it is not an easy task to moderate a forum. Chris' work is appreciated, and it will most likely be easier now that this step has been taken.

I have enjoyed both forums for years and have learned a lot, and shared what I know when I thought it might be useful. These forums are a tremendous resource, bringing a wide spread community together. It was painful to watch it torn apart by spite, but hopefully those times are behind us.

03-13-2017, 10:23 AM
I have to agree with the owners of the site. If you want a SML site get your money out and go for it, until then let Chris & Kim run this one

03-13-2017, 11:47 AM
I have to agree with the owners of the site. If you want a SML site get your money out and go for it, until then let Chris & Kim run this one

Well said!

03-13-2017, 12:45 PM
just glad i did not get banned, i got a little hot under my collar for a bit.have to find something else to do when the sap is not running if i did.

03-13-2017, 01:57 PM
just glad i did not get banned, i got a little hot under my collar for a bit.have to find something else to do when the sap is not running if i did.

Maybe this squall has passed, it's smooth sailing from here on in and there will be no need to ban anyone for a long time to come.
I agree with Dave (maple flats) comments entirely and DO appreciate what the Maple Guys have done with this site.
It only takes a few to ruin it for many.

03-13-2017, 05:49 PM
Well hate to see Heus evaporator update thread dumped but if it is like removing a infected finger so you can live, then I guess we will go along with it.
I had left both the major Maple sites alone for several years due to these same kinds of folks. I was about ready to call Chris P on this issue yesterday.
Glad to have these places to chat about making maple syrup!
My hat goes off to both of the site owners and their moderators!

maple flats
03-13-2017, 06:21 PM
Without the bad apple on this forum any longer, Heus is invited to engage in a discussion of his pans. The Maple Trader is intended for such honest discussions, it is just not the stage to bad mouth any manufacturer constantly. That does not mean you can't ever post anything bad, just be civil about it and move on.
He may not want me to make this statement but I feel it should be said- Chris owns this forum, he pays the entire bill and does not accept any sponsors. That gives him every right to set the rules without exception or question. I happen to agree with his rules. I feel this is part of what makes this site what it is. Thank you Chris!
Now let's get back to maple discussion. Enough said.

03-13-2017, 07:21 PM
Without the bad apple on this forum any longer, Heus is invited to engage in a discussion of his pans. The Maple Trader is intended for such honest discussions, it is just not the stage to bad mouth any manufacturer constantly. That does not mean you can't ever post anything bad, just be civil about it and move on.
He may not want me to make this statement but I feel it should be said- Chris owns this forum, he pays the entire bill and does not accept any sponsors. That gives him every right to set the rules without exception or question. I happen to agree with his rules. I feel this is part of what makes this site what it is. Thank you Chris!
Now let's get back to maple discussion. Enough said.

Thanks to both of you; Dave and Chris for what you do.
Sounds great to me on all counts. Now let's get back to the oil fired arch discussion...

Hey Heus, how'd your new Leader oil fired arch and Smoky Lake pans work out for you? Care to start a new thread?

03-13-2017, 08:04 PM
Thanks guys I plan to probably tomorrow. I would be in favor of making it possible to donate directly to this site. I realize that giving the maple guys business would also be helpful, and I have ordered supplies from them in the past, but I sould be willing to also donate to help keep the forum going.

03-13-2017, 09:45 PM
Without the bad apple on this forum any longer, Heus is invited to engage in a discussion of his pans. The Maple Trader is intended for such honest discussions, it is just not the stage to bad mouth any manufacturer constantly. That does not mean you can't ever post anything bad, just be civil about it and move on.
He may not want me to make this statement but I feel it should be said- Chris owns this forum, he pays the entire bill and does not accept any sponsors. That gives him every right to set the rules without exception or question. I happen to agree with his rules. I feel this is part of what makes this site what it is. Thank you Chris!
Now let's get back to maple discussion. Enough said.

He should know that someone like me, a very small fish in this very big pond, could not be more appreciative for the contacts made and advice freely given by experienced veterans, industry professionals and talented amateurs.

03-13-2017, 09:51 PM
It will be good to see the oil fired thread re-started. Thank you.

Dave and Chris,
Heus also makes a great suggestion. I too (and maybe many others) would be willing to make a donation to- or through - Maple Trader.
Possibly channel it to a maple related cause or help another trader who's fallen on hard times?
There are enough of us to make a difference, the numbers could be significant and it would be a tribute to what Maple Guys have started.
It could be anonymous so no one other than Maple Guys or the admins know who or what.
I'll maybe catch some flak for this, but I don't particularly like the "donating member" tag on SBI. I think it puts pressure on folks and creates a separate kind of membership that's not really needed over here.

Just my thoughts before I go off to bed and dream about maybe boiling this weekend.....john

03-13-2017, 09:55 PM
I also apologize, I have not been following as close lately and I did not know that type of action was ongoing by that member and I played right into it.

I was enjoying the 2x8 review though! Please start something similar.

03-14-2017, 07:14 AM
It will be good to see the oil fired thread re-started. Thank you.

Dave and Chris,
Heus also makes a great suggestion. I too (and maybe many others) would be willing to make a donation to- or through - Maple Trader.
Possibly channel it to a maple related cause or help another trader who's fallen on hard times?
There are enough of us to make a difference, the numbers could be significant and it would be a tribute to what Maple Guys have started.
It could be anonymous so no one other than Maple Guys or the admins know who or what.
I'll maybe catch some flak for this, but I don't particularly like the "donating member" tag on SBI. I think it puts pressure on folks and creates a separate kind of membership that's not really needed over here.

Just my thoughts before I go off to bed and dream about maybe boiling this weekend.....john

Great idea! My guess is the owners of the site have enough on their plate, how about if you and Heus start a non profit and we'll send you guys the money? Let us know when you have it set up!

maple flats
03-14-2017, 07:19 AM
For over 15 years Chris has rejected both sponsors and donations. That part is entirely up to him. In fact for a time a few years ago, he even had no link to The Maple Guys on the site. He later was convinced he should and put it back up.

Bruce L
03-14-2017, 07:44 AM
Just looked into this thread this morning,haven't been super active for awhile now. I agree with a lot of what I have read. The job of the moderator would certainly be a tough one. The individual in question being " banned "? Is a good move. Much too often because of someone like that you lose people who are genuinely interested in sharing their wealth of knowledge from years of experience,and that is a great loss. Contributors on this forum have quite often been chastised,and then left for the other forum,or completely disappeared. I personally NEVER look at the other forum,as some of the members on there chastised me on this forum,so I do not wish to participate in any discussion they may have. I realize there are members there that I cannot communicate with as they no longer frequent this forum. I don't proclaim to be an expert, but I believe being the seventh generation of sugar makers,and doing it for almost 50 years would qualify me as knowing what I am talking about . I am not confrontational,so when I see a thread I am interested in or feel confident in responding to, I will add my 2 cents worth,but should I be rebuked by an " expert",I don't bother responding. I don't believe the forum is the place for an electronic bashing session. The forum is a great place for free exchange of information,let's keep it that way!

03-14-2017, 07:50 AM
Bruce your story is very interesting. Love the fact that you are still in the late 1800s sugar house. I am sugaring on the property that my ancestors tapped on as well. Its the third sugar house that has existed here.

5 Oaks
03-14-2017, 09:18 AM
I missed all this drama, and I am happy I did. This has been one of my two favorite forums. The only Maple Syrup Forum I visit. the help some of you have given me is beyond any thing I could re-pay. Thanks to the good folks here and the mods for making this Forum great.

03-14-2017, 10:23 AM
he started a new one today

03-14-2017, 11:46 AM
Bruce L is one of the reasons this forum is as good as it is...welcome back sir.

Bruce L
03-14-2017, 01:22 PM
thank you John,but many make the forum great,just one bad bucket spoils the whole batch of syrup though

03-14-2017, 04:02 PM
I for one would like to see Larry be able to come back he may have gotten a little hot there in a previous thread. But before that happened he shared a wealth of maple knowledge and always seemed to be a class act. We need people like Bruce and Larry to keep that wealth of knowledge flowing. Now I have never met Larry in the person but I have discussed maple with him through PM's and emails. So Chris if you're following this thread let Larry come back. By the way Chris great site your greatly appreciated