View Full Version : Close Call

04-12-2007, 06:33 PM
Hadn't been to the sugarhouse for a while until last night(no sap),heard the news that it came real close to burning down the other day! The farmer's daugher sat down at the computor in the farm office, which is across the yard,and she noticed smoke billowing out of the sugarhouse.She hollered to her mom and they went running to fetch people and to call 911.Got to the sugarhouse and flames were climbing up a wall and into the roof.Stuck the suction of the sap pump into the permeate tank and let fly onto the fire. Climbed onto the roof and fought it from there as well,had it out before the fire dept. showed up. They checked for hot spots w/thermal imager.The fire was in the part of the building that's 100 yrs. old, the chief said another 5 mins. and they would have lost everything! The hand of God once again!
The oil reclaimers on the vacuum pump had caught fire on the inside and caught the oil on the outside on fire.The pump is close to a wall and that's all it took.Don't know if the vac. regulator hung up and the unit overheated or what.

04-12-2007, 09:10 PM
Wow, lucky, glad it all turned out well.

Getting firetrucks to rural locations can be tough... someone I know had to tear a burning woodshed off their sugarcamp with the tractor bucket while the firetrucks were going up and down area roads lost.