View Full Version : D&G vs CDL

03-10-2017, 04:19 PM
Looking into a new RO for next year. I'm going with a 600 Gal/HR machine. Looking to talk with guys who have the DG prestige ram 600 and CDL 600. The CDL machines look a lot more popular, price wise the quotes are very similar. But the DG machine is capable of some automatic start ups and cleaning.

03-14-2017, 09:15 AM
Tyler - I don't have experience with the D&G machine. We have the CDL machine and overall we have been happy with it. For a few seasons we nicknamed it Johnny (as in Cash) because we were replacing it "One Piece at a Time". Some of that was our problem I'm sure. We had an internal breaker that wore out and needed to be replaced, replaced the high pressure pump and one of the valves needed to be replaced due to leaks. Plus the dumb things we did ourselves to break hoses (like trying to run it with nowhere for the concentrate flow to go). It's running better now with 2 membranes than it did with a single membrane.

In my opinion - the customer service you will get from your local dealer is as important as the machine itself. At some point you will need a replacement part at 9pm on a Saturday when your tanks are all full to the top. Can you wait 3 days for the part to be couriered to you or do they have it on the shelf and you can drive to their house/shop and pick it up so you can keep rolling?

03-14-2017, 01:27 PM
As Ennismaple stated service from your local dealer is far more important than the brand. They all work and all have little differences that may or may not make a difference to you. If you can't get service when you need it you are dead in the water. Or sap. Might also have to consider how far is it to nearest dealer that actually stocks parts for the unit you are looking to buy.

03-15-2017, 06:00 PM
Those are good points to consider guys. That is the frustrating part of being in the south of Ontario there isent any super close dealers. CDL being 2hrs and DG being 3.

03-15-2017, 06:46 PM
I'm running a CDL expandable 600 and it flows usually about 620 to 660 per hour with the new sap max membrane. Another customer of mine has same exact machine with 5HP turbine and he has second post and easily goes 12% to 15% in one pass with second membrane. Machine is so simple to operate it makes your life easier. I run 2 concentrate and 8 to 9 permeate.

03-15-2017, 06:56 PM
Do you have dealers for any other brands closer? Or are they the only ones?

03-20-2017, 08:39 PM
They are the closest, H2O Inovation is around 6 hours