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View Full Version : A & A Evaporators Owners Feedback

03-10-2017, 01:42 PM
Looking for some current owners to provide their thoughts, photos, and feed back about their A & A Metals Shop evaporators. I know some of the PA area folks have them and I am interested to hear feedback on their 2X6 or similar sized units and overall satisfaction with them and things they have liked or dislike. The pictures/price list posted sometime ago makes it really hard to see the pan/ arch design and quality.

Their prices are very reasonable and understand they are Amish built and are soldered pans. I am considering their Raised flue 2X6 model with hoods, also anyone have their airtight front installed? Any reports now after a season or two of use would be helpful especially with GPH rates obtained.


03-10-2017, 08:55 PM
I have had an A&A 2x8 drop flue, for several seasons, with no extras like hoods and airtight door. For me it cruises at about 38 gph with 40 possible.

It has one pinhole in the soldering but sugars over so it's no real issue. I think it was a great value and I wish I'd bought it years ago. It's not as shiny or as pretty as some setups, but it's a thing of beauty compared to most homemade rigs.

I've got a couple photos on this page which might be better than nothing. http://bucktrack.com/Maple_Syrup.html

03-10-2017, 09:26 PM
I was happy with my 30x10 airtight. Made over 1100 gallons on it in 4 years

03-11-2017, 06:55 PM

did you down size? Or just go the route of bigger ro/ smaller evaporator? As far as A&A quality there were no issues or problems with the joints or soldered areas? Was yours a drop or raised flue unit?
