View Full Version : Was tapping early a mistake

03-05-2017, 08:00 PM
This is my third year and with the unseasonably warm weather I tapped in mid January and did get a lot of sap but last week when we were in the 60s and I got nothing, now it is warming again it's in the 40s and not a drop so I drilled just a bit deeper and each hole within a minute sap was flowing I will check rest of trees tomorrow

Urban Sugarmaker
03-06-2017, 07:07 AM
Sounds like your tap holes have reached their lifespan. I would not drill deeper or re-tap and re-injure the tree. I tapped too early last year with some taps and they were done weeks before the others due to exposure to warm temps. Temps in the 60s is perfect for bacterial growth and will accelerate tap hole drying. I don't think it is a mistake to tap early but with buckets you can't get the same lifespan as with tubing. If you got close to 10 gallons of sap per tap, then you've had a pretty normal season for buckets.

03-06-2017, 12:50 PM
I went through that last year too. I reamed the holes out and sap started flowing again, but only for about a week. I started a thread about it. Most everyone, including Dr. Tim recommended not doing that, so I doubt I'll ever do it again. It did save my season though..got that second gallon of syrup I needed out of that weeks sap.

03-06-2017, 01:49 PM
Thank you both for your help saphound I am going to see if I can find your post and read comments to see what happens when you tap same hole or post it so I can read and a thanks again not sure what I will do next year

I went through that last year too. I reamed the holes out and sap started flowing again, but only for about a week. I started a thread about it. Most everyone, including Dr. Tim recommended not doing that, so I doubt I'll ever do it again. It did save my season though..got that second gallon of syrup I needed out of that weeks sap.

03-06-2017, 01:52 PM
I don't think tapping in jan. is the problem. We tapped 2300 taps around jan 16th & then I added 12 taps on 3/16 on feb 18th behind our sugarhouse & nothing is running right now. The 3/16 was all new tubing. We were 0 here sunday morn. so maybe the trees are still froze up. Sometimes the sap doesn't run when we think it is perfect weather out. Other times it will run when its 33 & windy. I wouldn't redrill your trees like others have said. I have put out buckets in jan in the past & had them run till april. I don't think we will make it to april this year though. Our days are numbered here.

03-06-2017, 02:14 PM
Saphound I found your old post Dr Tim sure has wealth of information and still not sure what I will do next year depends on weather but really tapping sounds bad

Russell Lampron
03-06-2017, 06:40 PM
My father always told me that there are 2 weeks during maple season when you will make most of your syrup. Your job is to figure out which 2 weeks and tap then.

03-06-2017, 06:46 PM
Sooooo glad I tapped early. Got lots of golden and amber before most people even tapped. My trees are still running just fine, its just that now I'm collecting low sugar sap and making very dark syrup.

03-06-2017, 06:56 PM
I also got a lot of sap early it's in the 50s now and raining and the tree in my yard 84 inches around seems to put out a lot of sap during times like this I just never want it to be over

Sooooo glad I tapped early. Got lots of golden and amber before most people even tapped. My trees are still running just fine, its just that now I'm collecting low sugar sap and making very dark syrup.

03-09-2017, 05:06 PM
My father always told me that there are 2 weeks during maple season when you will make most of your syrup. Your job is to figure out which 2 weeks and tap then.
Ain't that the truth. And you won't know if you were right until the season's over. I still think there are a couple good runs left in my neck of the woods, but who knows. I waited a couple weeks later than last year....*fingers crossed*.
Glad you found that thread from last year,

03-09-2017, 05:37 PM
It's always a guessing game, maybe I should have tapped early but I try not worry too much about it. My trees have not budded yet, however the weather here shows no runs until my next Saturday and I have my doubts at that. I think the next warm up will end it here western New York. The trees do not regress with the cold weather so they are just waiting to bud, and end of march thru the first week of April is generally the end of it anyways, so that would put it about two weeks off " normal".

03-09-2017, 06:13 PM
Ain't that the truth. And you won't know if you were right until the season's over. I still think there are a couple good runs left in my neck of the woods, but who knows. I waited a couple weeks later than last year....*fingers crossed*.
Glad you found that thread from last year,

Saphound, you getting good runs currently? I tapped early on a few buckets and waited for our lines. And I haven't had good runs at all this week on either. I'm worried we're done but my boil partners keep telling me there's more runs to come. I hope you both are right, I would love to have more sap to boil.

John c
03-09-2017, 07:10 PM
I believe there is at least one more good run to come here, but I believe I am going to pull the plug this weekend nevertheless. I just got done boiling off what I had left of this weeks run and I have it ready to finish off and bottle tomorrow. As a "small timer" I put my 30 taps in on Friday, February 10th and will end up with a bit over 4 gallons of dark tasty syrup, so I'm happy and I feel my other interests calling.
It's time to pull out the old hit and miss engines and start getting them ready for the upcoming shows this year. Even though they shouldn't need anything you can bet I'll tinker with them until they do...lol

03-09-2017, 07:42 PM
Saphound, you getting good runs currently? I tapped early on a few buckets and waited for our lines. And I haven't had good runs at all this week on either. I'm worried we're done but my boil partners keep telling me there's more runs to come. I hope you both are right, I would love to have more sap to boil.

Not sure I would call it good, but my taps dripped continuously night and day the last 3 days. Slowed down now to a drop every 2 secs or so, due to no below freezing temps at night during that time, , and now looking at real cold coming again starting tonight and no above 32 temps in the 7 day forecast. Then it will probabaly shoot to 60 degrees from 30...who knows. Ya just have to hope that since it's still early March, more runs are possible. Just 3 years ago, late March and early April were real good in my area.

03-09-2017, 07:58 PM
I boiled 25 gal. sap outside today it may be my last not much wood left. It was starting to snow as I was finishing and the forecast is to be cold and not above 30s till next Thursday then a warm up I am going to leave my buckets out and will see what happens. I did change all the buckets though they were not as clean as I would like I started mid January