View Full Version : buddy syrup

03-04-2017, 11:12 AM
Can you make sugar from buddy syrup? Better yet, is the sugar made from buddy syrup any good? Ted

03-04-2017, 01:22 PM
For me it has worked about half the time to get it to crystalize must have to do with the invert sugar level.
There is a way to test with a glucose meter I have not tried it. There can be an off flavor to the sugar but have used it in baking with good results. Have made wine with it just to see and it tasted like white wine.


03-05-2017, 04:01 PM
I've been mixing it into my sugar batches with good results, but only at a rate of about 1 part in 10. This seems to be low enough that results are still pretty consistent. I made some buddy for the first time last year and have basically been using it diluted in sugar and when I bottle Very Dark.

I think you could go as high as half buddy, but it will be difficult to make and you'll definitely know the difference.

03-05-2017, 04:42 PM
Be careful making sugar with buddy syrup as the flavor will come through. I tried this last year and I was able to sell the sugar to a meat packer, but the flavor of the sugar was definitely off. For some things that have strong additional flavors, like sausage, this is ok, but for others it would not be.

03-05-2017, 05:20 PM
The first reply scared us off. We dumped the sap and pulled our taps today. Thinking about tapping some walnut trees just to see what happens. Thanks Everyone, Ted

03-06-2017, 07:20 AM
Can you make sugar from buddy syrup? Better yet, is the sugar made from buddy syrup any good? Ted

You can make sugar from buddy syrup as long as the invert level isn't too high, however it will taste buddy and not be particularly pleasant. Best to just stop making syrup when it turns buddy. You could use it to supplement feed to animals (expensive).

03-08-2017, 07:33 AM
The first reply scared us off. We dumped the sap and pulled our taps today. Thinking about tapping some walnut trees just to see what happens. Thanks Everyone, Ted

Any birch trees in your area?

03-11-2017, 08:49 AM
We have a few close by but with the equipment cleaned up and ready for storage I've decided to be done for the season. Ted

03-26-2017, 10:03 AM
what else can you do with buddy syrup? I'm not sure if i have buddy syrup or not. I have been searching threads and following Dr. Tim's comments on tree metabolism and starches within the tree. This syrup just tastes "off" very little maple flavor, odd aroma when boiling. I thought it might have been the RO that i was testing for 2018, the filters and things, but then did a small 3 gallon sap test (no RO) and the results are very similar. There is a different aroma and taste sans RO, but neither are "right". So i have just over a gallon bottled of this "off" syrup and am wondering what i can do with it. Cream, candy or nuts would carry that flavor, and i can't sell it, and don't want to give it away as its a product that is not representative of what I make. Is it worth it to bring it down to sugar, and mix it up for bee feed? it won't get in the harvestable honey as they would use it to feed brood etc. I've never made sugar, and it sounds interesting. Any other uses you can think of? I'll also look at cutting it with water and feeding the bees directly (if they take it).

03-26-2017, 06:23 PM
what else can you do with buddy syrup?....

The simplest response is....don't make it.

03-26-2017, 07:32 PM
The simplest response is....don't make it.

Listen to the expert... Not me .. Doc Tim.. Buddy syrup is a waste of time, nothing good becomes of it. Don't even make a sacrifice to the maple gods with, they will hate you for it. I think you get my point...
