View Full Version : 275 Gal Oil Tank Evap
04-09-2007, 05:50 PM
Here's a few pictures of an Oil Tank Evap my buddy and I built for this year. 27 x 54 stainless flat pan with one divider. We were boiling down as much as 15gph on our best day with a 725 degree stack temp on an 8 inch flue. The fire door is from Vogelzang 10 x 11 inches, the ash door is just an 8x8 chimney cleanout (we never closed it). It isn't pretty but it works. Our first two boils got us very light syrup. The rest have been C grade.
Many thanks to Hangin Around and Royal Maple for their pictures and advice.
More to follow.
Here's a cpl of the Pan. 27 x 54
04-09-2007, 07:06 PM
Nice looking rig. What did you use for grates?
04-09-2007, 07:42 PM
Tap, Thanks, though it's pretty ugly up close. I got the idea from my wood furnace. It's rows of brick placed in angle iron with a 1 inch space between each row for combustion air from below. I think it's five wide, so there are 3 air slots, by 4 bricks long. The firebox itself is something like 24 wide by 28 Deep. We also used about 10 of those bricks with the three round holes in them. We had to replace a few, but the draw was impressive. We never cleaned out the ash and I'd bet what's in there would barely fill two gallon bucket. I'll post some pictures of the guts and the pan when this snow melts and I can break it all down for the season.
04-09-2007, 07:55 PM
Nice rig! Got any shots of your ford?
Russell Lampron
04-09-2007, 07:56 PM
Nice looking rig. What do you mean by C grade? In NH if it is darker than dark amber and has good flavor it is grade B. It can be as dark as used motor oil.
04-09-2007, 08:55 PM
Hey Russ. Ok, motor oil, not quite fresh.. maybe 1k on it. Definitely not black. tastes great. I like it better than the light stuff. Our last batch, 4/1, has a hint of carmel taste.
325, the ford's been under snow for the season. Tossed the hyd pump in Nov. I've got another one ready to go, just don't feel like crawling around in the snow. Pretty much the same as yours Less the OEM seat! I've got a Wagner loader on the front. Use it to haul cord wood etc. I love it when she runs, which is 90% of the time. The other 10% I'm pulling my hair out.
04-09-2007, 08:55 PM
Looks good! Glad I could help.
04-09-2007, 08:57 PM
Thanks again Pete, I'm the visual type. The pictures really helped.
11-04-2007, 08:44 AM
Cardigan99, you have pic's available of your oil barrels insides. I got one, i need to inprove on..any tips on it...
11-05-2007, 05:06 PM
Slatebelt*Pa*Tapper here is a thread with a few shots of my oil tank rig
11-06-2007, 07:34 AM
325abn, i like the way you welded the plate in side the evap, I was gonna do the same but instead fill it with the clay soil i have here and then topped it with some extra fire brick i had here.
for showing me where to find the pic's of your rig. Any and all info helps...
11-21-2007, 05:35 PM
Charlie, I'll have some pics posted for you before the weekend
01-14-2008, 05:55 PM
Charlie, Darin. here are some pictures of the insides without the brick. The grates are set up to hold bricks. The 1/2 in gaps between the angles were to allow air up into the fire box. The draft wasn't too good at all so we replaced about 6 bricks with the type of bricks that have 3 holes in them. It worked fine like that but we lost a couple of those bricks every time we fired.
The panel where the sap part of the pan would be is 16ga cold roll. We put a piece of tile board over the top of it that worked really well.
you can see on the top view how we laid out the flue. it starts right where the pan ends. I think the dimensions of the flue are 4 x 20. and that transitions to an 8" round piece of pipe.
Hope this helps.
01-14-2008, 06:02 PM
you did a great job how long did it take to make it
01-14-2008, 06:22 PM
Hi James, Thanks. Took a couple of weekends. Maybe 10hrs total. The hardest thing was cutting the top off the drum. It took me about an hour with a sawzall. And about 5 blades. I had briefly thought about something like yours but the only way I could do it with one tank would have been to shorten the firebox to something like 16 inches so I could get the extra 5' out of the top piece. All said and done I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and with a few minor improvements I think we can get a cpl more GPH out of it.
01-14-2008, 06:31 PM
yah it toke me about 1 hour with the sawzall and i whent thur 2 blades but it was well worth it
01-14-2008, 07:03 PM
yes! it's more than worth the effort. The bug bites hard. I was walking thru my trees today at lunch in a snowstorm planning my runs. More pipe, less buckets.
01-14-2008, 07:48 PM
A 4", 4.5" or 7" or some other size angle grinder works great for cutting that type of metal. Just use the thin wheels and it is much faster than a sawzall.
MR Electrician
01-14-2008, 09:10 PM
A 4", 4.5" or 7" or some other size angle grinder works great for cutting that type of metal. Just use the thin wheels and it is much faster than a sawzall.
stop never cut an oil tank with a grinder
thats a fast way to die.
do you have any idea of just how many btu's that little bit of oil residue has in it.
if it blows it will peel the welds open and open you up like a can of smashed a** holes .and dont use a torch either .
please dont do that.
we filled the tank with watter to arrest any sparks
or you can purge the tank with nitrogen then cut it.
01-14-2008, 09:22 PM
Guess I never had any reason to cut any oil tanks, but any other type of metal I use one to cut it with. With a sawzall, it's metal against metal too and I would think would emit sparks.
MR Electrician
01-14-2008, 09:39 PM
Guess I never had any reason to cut any oil tanks, but any other type of metal I use one to cut it with. With a sawzall, it's metal against metal too and I would think would emit sparks.
yup it can emit sparks thats why we filled her with watter .
01-15-2008, 12:22 AM
I cut my oil tank evaporator in half with a torch, the only reason I did it with a torch was that I new it only had contained furnace oil. Furnace oil has even a lower flash point the diesel. It smoked quite a bit, but never any flash or explosion. It doesn't vapourize like gasoline does. Thus not making it even close enough to blow up......
01-15-2008, 07:55 AM
dry ice will take the oxygen out also and then use the torch.
Grade "A"
01-15-2008, 06:33 PM
I have cut many drums with a torch. If you have the plugs out of the drum and it is empty all it will do it burn what little fuel if any is left in the bottom.
BUT, if the tank had gas in it that is a different case and I would not cut it.
01-15-2008, 07:21 PM
we have cut the fuel oil tanks w/ all 3 at diff times Sawzall, grinder and torch. Lot of smoke and fumes, depending on how well or not so well drained
MR Electrician
01-15-2008, 09:26 PM
you guys are all either verry lucky and verry stupid cuting an oil tank with a torch.
try this take some grease add oxigen poof instant fire
now think about this that torch burns @ 10 000 degrees f to cut metal
it uses pure oxigen to acheive this temperature and a blast of oxigen to do the cutting.the only reason the tank hasent blown up is you havent reached the proper level of oxigen in the tank to acheive flash over.
you guys are just plain lucky that the tank hasent blown up with you sitting on it.
right now im sitting in camp at the cnrl horizons tar sands project in fort mc murrey alberta
its going to be the largest oil sands upgrader in the world when completed in 1 year.
when this plant goes live there wont be any smoking ,your deisel truck has to have a spark arrestor on the tail pipe and a positive air shutoff .there wont be any gas engines on site as they will emit sparks.
and this oil is all in the pipes .
01-15-2008, 09:35 PM
I am just curious how a tank could blow up if you didn't have the plugs in it when cutting it??
01-15-2008, 10:07 PM
The reason tanks can explode even with plugs taken out is that the combustion that takes place expands the air faster than it can vent out of the holes. And the only thing left is the tank explodes.
You are better off or should I say safer to keep the tank filled with CO2 so that there is no O2 to allow combustion. As long as you stay out of the explosive limits LEL or UEL of the given combustable it will not burn.
MR Electrician
01-15-2008, 10:38 PM
The reason tanks can explode even with plugs taken out is that the combustion that takes place expands the air faster than it can vent out of the holes. And the only thing left is the tank explodes.
You are better off or should I say safer to keep the tank filled with CO2 so that there is no O2 to allow combustion. As long as you stay out of the explosive limits LEL or UEL of the given combustable it will not burn.
thank you for helping me drive the point home.
please dont cut a fuel oil tank with a torch or grinder or sawsall unless it is filled with watter or has been purged with nitrogen or co2
too many guys have died cutting old fuel tanks
Grade "A"
01-16-2008, 05:29 AM
Well then I guess I am verry stupid because God has spoken. So tell me MR Electrician do you 1/2 fill the tank or is it 100% full with water. If it is only 1/2 full then there is still room for vapors and fuel is lighter then water so it will float and you are lifting the fuel and vapors closer to where you are cutting. If you fill it 100% full of water than you can't cut it with a torch, and with a name like MR Electrician you should know that a electric grinder or sawall do not mix good with water. And next time you call someone stupid check your spelling in your post, its Oxygen not "oxigen", its hasn’t not "hasent", its I'm not "im", Is water not "watter". I don't spell everything right ether but I also don't call others stupid. Thats just "my 2 cents"
01-16-2008, 06:53 AM
Hehehehehehe :) :)
01-16-2008, 07:15 AM
How do you dispose of the water that has oil in it from the drum?
01-16-2008, 08:21 AM
I Have Cut Up Hundreds Of Oil Tanks And Always Use Dry Ice. Which Is Co2 Which Kills The Oxygen
01-16-2008, 02:44 PM
Regardless, this has turned into a good discussion and could keep someone from getting hurt or killed in the future. Hardly anyone around here heats with oil and you almost never see an oil tank, so I have no experience with them and I will admit my ignorance.
I was wrong but let's be careful about calling people names or references that mean about the same thing. We all do stupid things from time to time and thankfully God watches over us and keeps us safe in spite of stupid things.
MR Electrician
01-16-2008, 08:34 PM
Well then I guess I am verry stupid because God has spoken. So tell me MR Electrician do you 1/2 fill the tank or is it 100% full with water. If it is only 1/2 full then there is still room for vapors and fuel is lighter then water so it will float and you are lifting the fuel and vapors closer to where you are cutting. If you fill it 100% full of water than you can't cut it with a torch, and with a name like MR Electrician you should know that a electric grinder or sawall do not mix good with water. And next time you call someone stupid check your spelling in your post, its Oxygen not "oxigen", its hasn’t not "hasent", its I'm not "im", Is water not "watter". I don't spell everything right ether but I also don't call others stupid. Thats just "my 2 cents"
wow did i piss on a hornets nest .:confused:
ok im sorry if i offended you i edited your favourite word out.
all i want to tell you is this. in my life i have seen eneough guys getting hurt and some died from doing stupid things.
if by pissing you off i have made my point and prevent one death then im a happy man.and your honour is defended by saving this one life
god has spoken.:rolleyes:
01-17-2008, 08:10 PM
C'mon guys. Lighten up out there.
Everyone has got their own opinion. You don't have to agree with it, but show a little respect to the other guy.
We're all here to share / learn something about making maple syrup.
If that doesn't make you smile then you're probably on the wrong site.
01-17-2008, 08:52 PM
Years ago I gas-welded a lifting ring to the top of a 55 gallon barrel almost full of drain oil.. It went PFOOOOFFFF and ended up looking like a football. The bungs were OUT!
I agree--DO NOT cut with a torch or grinder.
I did cut a 275 with a sawzall lately, but I filled it with water and just let it leak out at the saw cut, replenishing it with the garden hose. The hose didn't keep up towards the end, tho.
I also used to repair diesel fuel tanks on trucks, but purged them with the gas from the wire welder---Scary stuff.
I also agree with the warning to be courteous to all users here--This is a great forum and I would hate to see knowledgeable (sp?) people drop out because of some inconsiderate comments.
MR Electrician
01-17-2008, 09:13 PM
ok thanks guys im glad you all see the point in trying to make .this is a hobby to me and yes i love every minute of it . and im shure so do all of you .
i just want to make sure we all live long enough to enjoy it to its fullest extent. it would be a shame to hear of an accident from a fellow maple tree hugger.
i work in the oil fields and were super safety conscius if you think youre going to get hurt dont do it .if you see a fellow worker doing an unsafe act stop him he may save your life some day.
thats the way i do things here at work and at home on the farm with the kids.
01-17-2008, 10:16 PM
And remember while you are talking safety
Do not exceed the speed limit
Do not drive on unsafe tires or underinflated tires
Do not roll stop signs
While going to - from Sugar Bush or Market
MR Electrician
01-17-2008, 10:25 PM
And remember while you are talking safety
Do not exceed the speed limit
Do not drive on unsafe tires or underinflated tires
Do not roll stop signs
While going to - from Sugar Bush or Market
and dont forget to wear clean underwear in case you are in an accident.
oh weight that will be an accident.:rolleyes:
01-18-2008, 05:02 AM
i was helping my dad cut an oil drum and the gas ingnited and a piece flew off and gave me a 1 inch deep laceration under my arm man did it hurt.
01-18-2008, 08:17 PM
M KID Ouch! Several inches in a different direction and you might not be writing to us!
We could have a thread on safety related issues!
Boiling and scalding from syrup is something that is as real as any other accident that might happen. Hope you all have a safe season.
Good time to look around the sugarhouse and make a list of repairs that are your safety concerns for you, family and visitors to your facility.
One item I fixed last year was to lower a threshold that was between two rooms. I was so used to stepping over it that it really did not seem to be a problem. Until I noticed that everyone coming through the sugarhouse on the March Taste and Tour(R) almost tripped on it. After lowering it flush to the floor it was much safer for the visitors and me.
Adequate lighting for working at night in and around the buildings. Ice on walk ways. We had a lady slip on the ice in front of the sugarhouse and fall last year. That was even after I had salted the area. Thank god she was not hurt and was not sue happy!
MR Electrician
01-18-2008, 09:22 PM
i was helping my dad cut an oil drum and the gas ingnited and a piece flew off and gave me a 1 inch deep laceration under my arm man did it hurt.
thank you the defence rests
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