View Full Version : Does sap keep better from the tree or concentrated?

02-28-2017, 05:38 AM
There are probably 300 gallons in my two collection tanks from Sunday afternoon and yesterday and I'm expecting another hundred or two more today. I have the capacity to hold 650-700 gallons in these two tanks. With warm weather coming this afternoon and tomorrow before another cool-down, am I better off leaving the sap in the tanks until Friday or collecting it and concentrating it tonight? My concentrate tanks are in a separate smaller room off my sugar shack but I have no means to keep it cold in there. Not sure what to do.....

Temps today: 55/48
Temps tomorrow: 68/40
Temps Thursday: 39/22
Temps Friday: 35/17

02-28-2017, 05:43 AM
Definitely leave it raw if you can't boil it. Concentrated sap spoils at a much faster rate - hours vs. days.

02-28-2017, 08:13 AM
Your only chance is keeping it raw, unless you invest in a functioning milk tank.