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View Full Version : Shutting off pump

02-27-2017, 08:34 PM
Just curious, at the end of the day do you:
A. Turn off pump, open valve and let vacuum rush back up the line.
B. Turn off pump, sit and wait until vac neutralizes on its own.

I've got 112 taps on one sugarbush, shurflo pump pulling 17", 3/4" line is mostly full, no leaks in system, so it airlocks, as the lines fill vac drops to 13", pump dumps sap like crazy, then stops flowing until it fills enough line to overcome the vac above.

All taps have check valves. Hate to throw the valve open, but its due to freeze later. Not fond of leaving it running due to risk of ice. Just curious what others do.

02-27-2017, 08:50 PM
Here's a video of it running.

02-28-2017, 06:21 AM
I have a similar setup and am looking for a temp switch to control on and off, I just dont know what I am looking for. Mine is 12v

03-01-2017, 01:27 PM
Motor temp control options:



http://www.ebay.com/itm/Digital-PID-Thermostat-Temperature-Controller-SSR-J-S-K-E-Thermocouple-Heat-Sink-/280879140931 This one will need a probe for the temp.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/Johnson-Controls-Digital-Thermostat-Control-Unit-A421ABG-02C-/281437053018?hash=item4186f4a05a:g:KuAAAOSwnQhXpOt i

The last one is more money but is what I got to control my pumps. I have a relay upstairs that is controlled by the humidistat with the probe outside and in the shade.

It it is in the sun it will reach set point quicker. You will need to play around with the temp tht is best in your location. It is also affected by if it is a sunny day or cloudy day. Sunny days I like it to turn on a 28...my ladders start to thaw in the sun faster.

On a cloudy day you will want to wait for atleast 33...some days it is hard to thaw a line before 2 pm at 34 degrees from a cold night.

Once you have master this you will be on your way to making a auto draw off. LOL

Have Fun!