View Full Version : 8 days, now dry

02-26-2017, 01:18 PM
41 taps drilled 8 days ago (2/18), wading thru knee-deep snow. I had to snowblow a place to set up my cooker! Had some nice runs that have trickled off to absolute dryness after several mild nights and days in the high 60s / low 70s this week. Finished about 1-1/2 gallons of sweet gold so far, half my average output. Snow is essentially all gone now, hyacinths near my house are up and budded and the maple buds are looking awfully red! Hoping the season has at least one more run....

42°53'N 71°15'W

02-26-2017, 02:56 PM

Russell Lampron
02-26-2017, 05:39 PM
Restock your "boiling soda" supply and get ready to make some syrup! The sap is going to run tomorrow. The forecast is looking good for tomorrow and Tuesday with some rain and then cooling down from Wednesday on.

02-26-2017, 05:54 PM
I'm right down the road in Richmond scm, right on the line actually.... i got 5 gallons from my 28 taps today that were put in early feb. Should have good runs tomorrow and later this week. I was worried that the warm spell would dry my taps up but hopefully not.

02-26-2017, 06:16 PM
I like your attitude Russ. The sodas are stocked and the tanks are dry. Let the sap run.

02-27-2017, 06:23 AM
Sap hasn't run since Friday (2-24-17) due to the warm weather, but we are lucky due to being on the shady side of a rather large hill, so we have about 6-10 inches of snow still on the ground. Hoping to boil first run today after keeping the sap chilled for about a week. Season caught us a bit off guard this year, so I had to manufacture a block arch last minute and hope to get a more "professional" style rig for next year. The arch was finished yesterday and hope to boil today. Pictures to come.