View Full Version : Snow

04-08-2007, 12:38 PM
We've been looking at the grass for a month... but got 6" of snow overnight and 2" more expected. At least it doesn't last long this time of the year.


Other than that, sap has been running very well... not many great runs, but some everyday. Ed has made about 17 Imp gl (20.4 US) so far, compared to 6 last yr (on 210 taps rather than the 110). The weather looks mostly excellent for the next two weeks too, almost everyday a few degees below overnight and a few degrees above in the day! He called me the other day... "Can you make it stop??"!

3% Solution
04-08-2007, 04:46 PM
Yup snowing here, not amounting to anything, but it is snowing!
Haven't boiled since last Monday, just no sap to boil.
Tomorrow afternoon we'll gather and boil.
This week looks good for us, cold at night (low 20's), warm during (40's) the day.
We have 23.5 gallons, hoping for another 8 - 10 more.
Time will tell.
Happy boiling!!


Russell Lampron
04-08-2007, 06:01 PM

I got sap Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I boiled in 260 gallons this morning. The 5 gallons I made went into a can for Bascoms. It was buddy. Cleaned out the evaporator and saved the crappy stuff to make into more commercial when the sugars are done running. It is running today but got, off to a slow start and then never really ran good. I hope to get a good run tomorrow so I can start fresh and hopefully make some good syrup. The sap from the reds will sit in the tank in the woods until I am done making good stuff.


3% Solution
04-08-2007, 06:37 PM
Hi Russ,
Hasn't got above freezing since Thursday, sap did run that day but not alot.
Yesterday it wasn't much above 33 and didn't get above 32 today.
I am planning to gather and dump out ice tomorrow afternoon, then boil what I get.
Concord area usually runs a few degrees more than over here.
Have fun!


04-09-2007, 03:53 AM
Still in the deep frezze here, temps never really breaking the 32 deg mark. And its windy. Getting snow everyday. Hoping for another squirt or two of sap. Gonna boil it no mater what. Rigs a mess all ready and have the wood might as well make some C grade. Money for it will be good this year So i've heard.

04-09-2007, 04:11 AM
We got 17"of rain soaked snow here in southern Maine the last storm.
Thoes who didn't pull there taps are still cook'in, the weather calls for cold for the next 7 days, sap should run.If you can make it, it should be worth a buck.

maple flats
04-16-2007, 07:22 AM
We got about 10 more inches of global warming so far from this storm. Real heavy, might loose power, tree limbs are really hanging low.