View Full Version : Quick review of my new NextGen Maple 100STDRO

02-23-2017, 10:18 AM
Some have asked for my feedback on the RO I purchased so I wanted to give some information on my results so far.

Sorry I don't really have a picture of how I am setup. I have my tank in my truck that feeds the RO, then I have 1 line goes to my permeate tanks, and another line going to my 1st pass concentration tank. My 2nd pass I feed from my concentration tank and my concentration hose runs to my head tank which is about 100ft away and raised about 6ft. The pump has no problem pushing that.

Just got my 1st run of sap this past weekend and ran the RO for the 1st time on Sunday, and have run it 2 other times this week.

1)I got about 200 gallons of sap on Sunday and it took about 1hr and 20 minutes to process it all at 200psi.
- Sap started at 2.5% and after 1st pass I was about 4.2%. It removed approximately 60 gallons of water/permeate
- I run a 2nd pass and it removed another 25-30 gallons of water. I just have a cheap refractometer so it doesn't measure much above 5% lol but my permeate was still 0% so im fine with that.
-After running through 2 times I had about 120 gallons of concentrate.

2)I got 237 gallons of Sap on Tuesday, processed in about 1hour and 40 minutes 1st pass.
-Sap was 2.5% and was again about 4.2% after 1st pass. Removed 92 gallons of permeate.
-2nd pass took about 50 minutes and left me with 102 gallons of concentrate.
-Total water removed was 135 gallons of water. I increased my PSI to 225 as I became more comfortable with the system.

3)200 gallons Wednesday night.
-2.5% sap again was brought to 4.2% and took about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
-Have only run 1st pass so far, reduced by 75 gallons of permeate.

Cleaning cycles are pretty easy. Running the permeate through a clean prefilter for about 30 minutes, then a warmed 5 gallon bucket of permeate for another 30 minutes to flush the membrane and finally run the rest of the permeate through the system for a final cleaning. Can pretty much just turn it on and go boil and just make sure I keep checking it because I don't have an auto off function.

Overall im very pleased. With the amount so far that I have processed I have saved myself almost 14 hours of boiling time.

I highly recommend this RO, none of them are inexpensive, but so far this $1900 was money well spent.


02-23-2017, 03:43 PM
im looking into these units for next year..thanks for the review

02-23-2017, 06:20 PM
So by my calculations, you are running 140ish gph and removing 35-40% on the first pass, right? Is this the unit they say is the 200gph model? I've been trying to make sense of their model #s. The mid priced one said 200 gph but appeared to be a one post unit, which should be like 100-125 gph, right?. Does this have a feed pump? Their prices seem very nice. I may want an ro in a couple years, nice to see an affordable unit made fairly close to me

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02-24-2017, 08:57 AM
You are correct, I included a picture of my system. I will add yesterday I had much warmer sap because of the crazy temperatures and it took my 175 gallons I collected from 2.5% to 5.2% 1st pass and in 2nd pass 7.4%

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02-24-2017, 07:26 PM
Very cool. This brings me to an interesting point. I had initially thought that if I get one of their rigs in a couple years, I get their "HP" one, which is a single post plus the feed pump. Rated at 100 gph with 50% removal, so you rove 50 gallons per hour. The numbers from your rig suggest you are removing the same volume per hour by having a higher flow with lower removal percent. With a $1000 savings, that's a good deal. Though, the other one has more in terms of flow meters, and high/low shut offs.

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