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View Full Version : On shutting down for the season

red dorakeen
02-23-2017, 09:44 AM
I'm wondering how best to shut things down for the season with a divided pan.

I'm thinking to boil some of the last sap to reestablish the gradient and draw off some of the nearest to done to finish elsewhere.

I've read that some leave sap in the pan for a while to help clean it. Is that a common practice?

This warm spell has me trying to plan ahead and though I know the forecast has some good sap run weather ahead I doubt I'll have enough snow around to keep things cold. With plenty of syrup already and many other projects clamoring for my attention I may shut down sooner.

02-23-2017, 09:48 AM
If you have 2 pans, you can put water in one and sap the other. If only one pan, then take it down as low as you feel comfortable and finish in a pot.
Yes sap makes a good cleaner. It basically turns to vinegar on its own. Leave it in for a week or two

02-23-2017, 04:36 PM
Let's not discuss this so early in the season