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View Full Version : draw off valve size

02-22-2017, 12:42 AM
Just wondering what size ball valve I should use for a 3x8. 5ft. Flue pan.

maple flats
02-22-2017, 05:57 AM
Mine was 1" and it came from the factory that way. With my auto draw I have a 1" ball valve between the the draw off box and the draw valve which is 3/4". I run 1" thru the first ball valve, then a 1" tee to split into 2 lines, one to the auto draw and the other is a valve in case the auto draw ever fails, which it has not yet. That valve is also a 1". So I have a SS close nipple, 1" SS ball valve, 1" SS close nipple, 1" SS Tee, each side then has a 1" SS street 90, then one side has an adapter to a SS try clover fitting and then the auto draw valve. The other side has a 1" SS close nipple and a 1" SS ball valve. It is a little heavy and originally I was thinking I'd add a support up to the edge of the draw box, but so far it doesn't appear necessary. If I start to see even a slight issue I'll add that with a small turn buckle to adjust tension. I have both draw boxes on the same side of the pan and have 2 temp probes, so I only move the auto draw valve to reverse flow and change the wire leads at the auto draw control panel. I am even thinking of getting a second auto draw valve so I don't even need to move the valve but that would mostly be for insurance purposes because if one valve were to fail I'd have a spare. That is still in the thinking stage.

02-22-2017, 09:57 PM
Thanks for the input.

02-22-2017, 10:07 PM
my 2.5x10 has 1" as well.

02-23-2017, 01:05 AM
I have 3/4 inch fittings as outlets on my 3 x 10.