View Full Version : Deer run 250 not running correctly

02-20-2017, 10:22 PM
Hey guys kinda new to the site haven't posted much but it's my second year with my deer run ro, I purchased it used last year and was told it was only a few years old. The problem I'm having is that I went though the first of the year cleaning and start up procedure to use the ro to boil today got it all set up and started to run sap though the rig and it's taking 1.7% sap currently to 4.5% concentrate on one pass but I'm loosing about 1% on my premate side of things and I have to really run the rig slowly to even get these results. Are my membranes bad or will doing a wash cycle help. Last year I could go from roughly 2% to 6-8% in one pass any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

02-21-2017, 03:51 AM
If permeate has sugar it is from a bad seal or an bad membrane. Did you remove the membrane for off season? Could be as simple as putting U-seal in backwards or a bad o-ring on an end plug in the membrane.

maple flats
02-21-2017, 05:26 AM
How did you store it since last season? Were the membranes kept moist in preservative, is it possible they froze?

02-21-2017, 05:58 AM
No I stored it with the membranes in the machine with the preservative in the machine, I'll try this seal first where would that be located as I've never had this apart before and also what type of membranes do these rigs use just in case I have to order new ones? Thanks

02-21-2017, 06:10 AM
And yes it was stored in a heated garage

02-21-2017, 06:50 AM
Sometimes the seals dry a little from non use. Might want to try running it another day and check permeate sugar again. At start up each day there could also be a small amount of sugar passing the u-seal until pressure builds.

02-21-2017, 07:17 AM
Alright I'll try it out for another day. I know this rig your supposed to run the machine at 275psi per instructions included, now the machine will build up to that pressure but I've got to really slow the machine down in order to get these pressures my flow rate on the premate will be at about 5gpm but the concentrate is only at .5gpm and after putting 400 gallons of sap through I figured I'd be able to get a more even flow rate on both sides like I did last year. Does anyone know what kinda membranes Ray uses just so I can try to source something if it really does end up being bad membranes?

Don m
02-21-2017, 08:50 AM
Not sure on the bigger machines but for the 75 GPH Deer Run machine he uses Filmtec membranes.

02-21-2017, 09:46 AM
Should not matter what brand membranes you put in it. Best price on membranes is MES. And they are right in southern NH.

02-22-2017, 06:54 AM
CDL has great price on membranes through end of this month. They are the Sap Max membranes and 8" are $ 600 and 4" are 215. Also have the 16" on sale too for a good price. I have been really happy with the Sap Max membrane the machine has flowed about ratings every time I have used it this year even with really cold sap.

02-22-2017, 11:52 AM
Hey thanks for all the response I ordered a set of membranes from MES they've got there 4" membranes for sale right now at 215$ don't know if they use the same brand as CDL or not. Tried pretty much everything on my old ones to make them work hoping I wouldn't have to spend the money but looks like I'll just have to bite the bullet. Thanks again guys