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View Full Version : Vacuum problems

02-20-2017, 08:24 AM
Hi all, I have a surge RV 2 vacuum pump that I've been using successfully for 3 years. This year has not been so successful.

Last year I had around 800-900 feet of 3/4" mainline with about 175 taps on it. I put in a sap ladder before last season to that has a 6' rise to get to a portion of the taps. I would consistently have around 15" at the end of the bush. Everything worked good.

This year I added another 400 feet of mainline and my new total of taps is 250. This is where my problems start...when I run the pump, the best I can get is 6" throughout the bush. When I valve off the mainline after the releaser, I can get 25". I've walked the line countless times with the hope of finding a leak. Nothing. My tubing system is pretty air tight.

Is my pump having a hard time keeping up with all of this mainline? Too many taps? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


02-20-2017, 09:00 AM
Keep looking. There is a leak somewhere. The added mainline might take longer to build vacuum but would get there if tight.

02-20-2017, 09:10 AM
I agree with wiam you have a leak somewhere maybe even a spout that is in hollow wood ?

02-20-2017, 09:34 AM
I walk the main lines looking at that little loop from the saddle to the hook end.

If sap is zipping through there or it appears no sap has collected in it, you’ve got a leak on that lateral.

02-20-2017, 10:46 AM
So frustrating. I walked it again and found a small fuzz leak at a manifold. Repaired that but still only have 5" throughout. Maybe I should cut in some valves to isolate the leak?

02-20-2017, 01:18 PM
I'm with you. I hooked up a guzzler and can't get any vac. Isolated the pump and holding vacuum well. Found two leaks and fixed but still nothing. Maybe a hollow wood tap? This is frustrating. Feels like I Lost the long weekend worth of sap.

maple flats
02-20-2017, 07:32 PM
Is the entire length all 3/4" mains? While that is in the limit, you would do better using 1". How is the slope? look harder, you have a leak. Another idea, is the pump belt driven? The belt may be slipping or maybe it just needs some belt dressing.

02-20-2017, 07:33 PM
check for hollow trees, if you have an older woods and big trees its easy to hit a couple hollow 1s

Russell Lampron
02-20-2017, 08:04 PM
If you can dead head your pump and get 25" you have a leak or many small leaks somewhere. The longer mainline will take longer to suck down but it will get down to the 25" if you have no leaks. Look for racing sap in the laterals, it should move nice and slow. If it is racing you have a leak. Look for air bubbles seeping in around fittings. Also check for squirrel and other tree rat chews. Make sure your taps are seated properly. You may have a hollow tree or two tapped. You may even be able to hear a hissing from inside a hollow tree if you put your ear up to a suspect tree. Keep looking you'll find it.

Sunday Rock Maple
02-20-2017, 09:12 PM
So frustrating. I walked it again and found a small fuzz leak at a manifold. Repaired that but still only have 5" throughout. Maybe I should cut in some valves to isolate the leak?

Yes, five inches is not enough for you to find the leaks. Put in at least two valves, one to isolate the ladder and the other the new 400 foot section.

02-22-2017, 02:50 PM
First, thanks for all of the feedback. Sorry for the late update. I ended up cutting in valves every to isolate different parts of the system. After a whole lotta walking up and down the hill, checking gauges, I narrowed it down to one section of mainline. I found piece of tubing that had been nearly chewed through from a squirrel. The break was against the tree which made it tricky to find when walking it. 4" or 5" of vacuum at the leak was barley enough to hear it without putting your ear right up to it. I had my buddy close the valve to build up vacuum to 20", then open it as I listened for leaks.

Now my old surge pump is putting out 20" on most of the bush and 16" after the sap ladder. I'm happy with those numbers.


02-22-2017, 03:13 PM
Nice detective work.

I have some valves on order coming this week I need to install on my tubing also,

I think I have some leaks somewhere in the tubing but can't see or hear them.


02-22-2017, 03:41 PM
It had me stressed right out. My wife kept saying "I don't know why you're so upset. It's only sap". That didn't help...

02-22-2017, 05:59 PM
It had me stressed right out. My wife kept saying "I don't know why you're so upset. It's only sap". That didn't help...

Yeah, my wife's the same way.

They just don't understand....

02-22-2017, 07:30 PM
Had the same scenario with my SP – 11. Vacuum was so low that I really couldn't find the leaks. That just meant that I had a really big leak somewhere. Turns out the end of one of the mainlines was wide open. Once I figure this out I could then do a legitimately leak patrol.

02-23-2017, 06:18 PM
hey guys ran a guzzler last year and being a welder of 30 plus years I could not hear any of the leaks til I took my girlfriends stethoscope and canabilized it to a single tube if you evan got near a tap that was on a hollow tree or was just leaking I could hear it and tightened up my system ps it has to be a medical stethoscope with a single tube

02-23-2017, 06:22 PM
hey guys ran a guzzler last year and being a welder of 30 plus years I could not hear any of the leaks til I took my girlfriends stethoscope and canabilized it to a single tube if you evan got near a tap that was on a hollow tree or was just leaking I could hear it and tightened up my system ps it has to be a medical stethoscope with a single tube

What's a stethoscope with a single tube?


02-24-2017, 06:08 PM
Sorry i was in a hurry and did not explain better than that my girlfriend is a nurse and they go thru them at the hospital that she works at the same stethoscope they use to check your heart and chest with some have 2 tubes some have a single the single tube model is what i use cut the medical end off and add a 18 inch piece of automotive break line to it as u walk thru the bush wear them and hold it up to any joints or taps you will be surprised at how small of a leak u can hear it has worked for me ,last year we had a single guzzler on 300 taps and kept up 18 inches of vac.