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maple flats
04-03-2007, 08:15 PM
I had a visitor today. New York State Ag and Markets sent an inspector. He bought a quart of syrup to "test" for lead (anything else?). Ha looked around a little and said i have a nice operation. Won't get results of lead test until about July. This is the first time I have been checked out by NYS Ag & Mkts, hopefully all tests good.

04-03-2007, 08:25 PM
Let us know how many parts per million you have. I had mine tested in Mass. when the lead issue first came up.

Russell Lampron
04-04-2007, 05:40 AM
I was hoping that the NH inspector would stop in this season to check me out again. The last time she came was in 2001. She must have liked what she saw. I heard she was in the area on Saturday of Maple Weekend. When she was here last my syrup tested 90 ppm for lead.

The only thing she found wrong was that I had graded my syrup as light amber when it had a medium flavor and was borderline on the color so it should have been labeled as medium. I was using a VT test kit and she was using a Lovibond. When I put a sample in my kit she could see why I had graded it light.


04-04-2007, 10:11 AM
A friend of mine in Macedon NY outside of Rochester was also inspected on Maple Weekend. At least somebody is reading the press releases.

04-04-2007, 03:03 PM
So does NY have a lead level law? Like us in Ohio. Or A lead level action< Like Vermont? We where told that in Ohio we have destroy all syrup over 500 ppb and have a plan of action to reduce the levels for all testing over 250ppb. My understanding is that in Vermont they can blend the high lead syrup with lower lead syrup to get it to pass there action, But no matter what they can't force them to destroy it. Ohio doesn't allow blending the syrup to lower lead levels.

maple flats
04-04-2007, 06:19 PM
The NY inspector said I would likely not hear the results unless it was over 500 ppm, I asked to be told no matter what it was. I said I want to be aware if I am any where near borderline or want to know if it is real low too, for peace of mind. He made a note to send me the results when available.

maple flats
06-12-2007, 07:15 PM
I got my test results back today. For lead I had 0.18 PPM or 180 PPB. The letter said that 500-2000 PPB could be reason for concern and an indicator that the source of the lead should be looked into. I was surprised the test showed nothing as for grade, volumn, or anything except lead. It seems they would evaluate if my quart was infact a quart and rate the color grade. They did say it was slightly burnt under "odor"= maple, slightly burnt.
Maple flats

06-12-2007, 08:45 PM
When I had mine tested the only thing tested was the lead. It was sent to a lab that does not test the syrup for anything else such as grade or taste
I think Vermont wants their producers under 250ppb. So you are under that.

06-15-2007, 11:15 AM
Does anyone know where we can send syrup for lead testing on our own?

Fred Henderson
06-15-2007, 02:39 PM
Ian, I am sure Atlantic testing will do it for you. Give them a call or maybe thr corperative extension. You can probably drop the sample off right there on Rt 11. I think the actual testing is done in Waddington.