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View Full Version : Tapping in Saratoga county

02-18-2017, 01:16 PM
Well it looks like the weather isn't going to give me the week I need to finish getting ready. The 10 day forecast went up about 5 to 10 degrees over what they said last week. We went from 2 days above freezing in the next 10 to 8. I spent yesturday getting the season lines stretched out. I finished the tails on the 3/16 lines to reach the tanks.Tonight I will flush and wash the RO and make sure it is leak free after the rebuild. Im am going to tap 150 in on the mountain property in the morning and set the pans in the afternoon. hopefully I can plow the road and set the tank and releaser for the 100 tap bush by Tues or wed. One main line there is still a mess due to ice storm damage but the other 2 with about 70 taps is ready to go. Hope to have the pans sweetened up sometime Monday so I can start ironing out any problems. With a new sugar house, new pans and upgraded RO and bottling system there's bound to be a few wrincles. Good luck to everyone. Jeff

02-18-2017, 02:23 PM
Yep, it's here on our side of the mountain, too - not much flow as of this afternoon but it was in the teens much of the morning. My neighbor's just tapped their first trees - caught the bug from me. With the ones I already have up from the January thaw, we'll have a couple dozen buckets tapped which is small by any standard but quite fun for us.

My daughter is finally old enough to really hang out around the festivities, should be a great season!

02-19-2017, 05:16 PM
Solid run today in North Saratoga:


Slick Willy
02-28-2017, 11:27 AM
Put in 80 taps and hung the pails on Sunday and was glad to see 50 gallons of sap Monday after work. The weather forecast doesn't look too good this week but I'm looking forward boiling down whatever I can get! Hope everyone has a good season.

02-28-2017, 06:07 PM
Yesterday was a good day we had 225 gallons of sap from 167 taps and only 80 gallons so far today but the pump has a steady stream still.

03-26-2017, 11:30 AM
How's everybody's production so far this season? Up, down or about average with the weather being a little weird this spring? Since I'm not sugaring this season because of a home remodel project I was wondering how things are going out there.

03-27-2017, 08:32 AM
I am running about normal, I missed two weeks due to a work trip, but after yesterday I have made about 6 gallons of syrup (will know when I bottle yesterdays batch) off of 25 taps. The past three years I have been around 6 gallons. I think my season is done, my taps are starting to dry up and the buds are really starting to swell.

03-27-2017, 05:44 PM
Pulled in another 250 gallons today and the pump still has a steady stream though this is probably it. But not sure there is still Snow in the woods and after this couple day warm up it gets cold at night again so maybe one more good run.

03-27-2017, 08:46 PM
I don't think I've really got going yet. There is still 6 to 8 inches of snow tight to the trees and when it thaws each day it only thaws the top 1 inch and refreezes. Still frost. Still snow no buds equals still sap. This week will tell alot. Jeff

04-01-2017, 08:36 PM
Well Monday is probably the last day we will have a sap run and as much as I hate to say it I'm glad. I am down to a half of face cord of wood and have been cutting and splitting everyday for the past week after work. For some reason we went through a ridiculous amount of wood this year. I am thinking the sugar percentage was low this year since we made mostly dark.