View Full Version : Ghetto-fab water jacket filter box

02-15-2017, 05:16 AM
I was tired of my syrup cooling off before I had it all bottled and/or rushing around like a knucklehead trying to get it done before it does. Came up with this idea and tried it out last night for the first time. Bottled 6 gallons and it worked perfectly.

Bill Mason filter box welded inside a $50 Amazon stock pot. Fill the pot with water and keep it on a low burner while I filter/bottle. I can take my time and maintain a perfect 190 degrees. The filter box is an inch or so off the bottom of the pot so its only in contact with hot water.



02-15-2017, 07:15 AM
I don't think there is any thing very crude about that! In fact Bill might copy it! Good idea to keep that syrup hot in the canner! Someone is s good welder! I had to look twice to see the stainless pot. A very clean and unique solution to a canning problem. Easy to fill with water. Compact package. Nice enhancement!
Good job!

Robert K
02-17-2017, 08:10 PM
Ohhhhhh, my wife is gonna freak if she finds out about this . I am so doing that right now. The makes so much sense, I love it!!! Lots of time till summer canning comes around , I will buy her another stock pot.
Thank you for that post 😁