View Full Version : more efficient evaporator or small scale RO

02-14-2017, 11:53 AM
last year we had 24 taps and boiled in a large kettle
this year we have 50 taps and husband built a wood burning fuel tank arch (W/ auf) and we had pans made to fit (total sq ft= 36"x24") and runs fairly shallow around 1"...gets around close to 15 gph which is 2-3x better than the kettle
We're getting 40ish gal of sap per day avg with 80-110 possible on the days warm for 24-36 hours...and we both work full time...so 1-2 weeks in this season, we're having trouble keeping up, really only have time to boil Fri-Sun
Short of not boiling everything we collect :o :cry: would it make more sense to invest in a more efficient evaporator or build small scale RO? Our cooling system right now is sap frozen in yogurt containers and put in holding tank...but if it were concentrated we have a spare upright freezer & garage fridge, it might be able to fit in

02-14-2017, 12:02 PM
Just my opinion, but a used flue pan and extending the arch would be my plan. I'm sure others will way in as well.

02-14-2017, 12:19 PM
Another possibility, since you're freezing sap already, would be to allow the sap to only partially freeze, then dump the ice and boil the remaining fluid, which would be concentrated sap. You might be able to cut down the volume by about half that way.

02-14-2017, 05:15 PM
If you are getting that much out of a 2x3 flat pan, I would think you would have to move into 18 x 60 or bigger with flue pan. Most 2x4's with a hybrid pan with get max 20 gph,maybe need a 2x6 most will get 25-35gph

02-14-2017, 06:44 PM
Check out the small RO's in the RO section. Hodorskib's small scale RO. It's great for a small producer (<50 to 100 taps). I run mine whenever I can as it cuts out about 50% of the water. Makes it really manageable to keep up with the large flows. PM me if you need help or what not glad to help another full-time worker/full-time sugarer.


02-14-2017, 07:00 PM
I have a small 20"x34" pan/arch. Instead of getting a bigger evaporator, I just finished building a small RO. I built it on a hand cart so I can wheel it around the sugar bush, etc. I think for my roughly $400 investment, if I can take away 50% of the water I should be able to double my syrup production for the same amount of boiling time/wood consumption. It should be a win. Being in Northern Wisco, I haven't tapped yet.

Maple Man 85
02-14-2017, 08:24 PM
I have a small 20"x34" pan/arch. Instead of getting a bigger evaporator, I just finished building a small RO. I built it on a hand cart so I can wheel it around the sugar bush, etc. I think for my roughly $400 investment, if I can take away 50% of the water I should be able to double my syrup production for the same amount of boiling time/wood consumption. It should be a win. Being in Northern Wisco, I haven't tapped yet.

My vote is with norman!

02-14-2017, 08:39 PM
Built a small RO and only fire up the evap on weekends as thats all the time you have.

02-14-2017, 09:01 PM
im buying a hobby r/o for next year but I can tell you dr tims idea works great...ive done it many times