View Full Version : Did I just ruin my pan? Sick to my stomach
02-12-2017, 07:56 PM
Well the damage has been done. Everything was going well, just drew off about a quart of syrup and my auto draw valve shut so I went to load more wood. I kicked on the blower and the temp rose so quick and just kept climbing. I had my valve before the auto draw valve about halfway open but the temp kept climbing so I flooded the pan from the float box and opened my manual bypass but it was too late. For everyone that has ever burnt a pan, what's the best way to get it clean? And also it's warped a little bit, is my whole pan trashed or will I be OK once I get it clean. Maybe 1/8 deflecting at most. Idk if you can see how it's warped in the pictures or not.1542215423
I'm sick to my stomach over this, sap is flowing good here and here I am with no pan
02-12-2017, 08:07 PM
It will clean off with some elbow grease. We have two pans warped a bit and have been using them for years. Just chalk it up as experience.
buckeye gold
02-12-2017, 08:13 PM
Believe me a lot of members on trader have burnt pans way beyond that. That's just an initiation burn. It will take some scrubbing but it's cleanable. As for any warp you will just need to run sap a tad deeper. Take a good sharp scraper and see how much will scrape off. hopefully you can scrub it off after that. You most likely will burnish your nice shuney finish, but to me that is no biggy. Try steel wool first, and if it is really stuck you may need a fine wire brush on a drill. I once burnt an entire syrup section on an old divided flat pan and finally resulted to muriatic acid to clean it, but it made syrup for three more years after that and someone else is still using it. Don't get too down on yourself, the only sugar makers that haven't burnt a pan have not done it long or been really lucky.
02-12-2017, 08:13 PM
That's how it looks now after about 2 hours of scraping with a plastic scraper
02-12-2017, 08:15 PM
Let it soak in acid/water overnight or at least a few hours then scrub. I've seen and done worse but I know the feeling!!
02-12-2017, 08:21 PM
Get a good pan cleaner and let it soak for a few hours. I have done this before when my feed tank line froze and I was unable to thaw quick enough, also had my father in law load my evaporator ,not knowing that I was letting it go out, when I stepped away, that pan actually caught fire . It took some time and effort but that is my finisher pan now, a little warped but otherwise fine. Most syrup makers have burnt pans at one time or another.
02-12-2017, 09:15 PM
Seems like it takes forever for that temperature to hit that 7 degrees, but once it hits that temp, it climbs fast
02-12-2017, 09:33 PM
Any suggestions on a good pan cleaner? I've always used vinegar and water about mid season and end of season to clean.
02-12-2017, 10:38 PM
Not so bad. Many have burnt them worse and recovered. If it comes to it and you need the power tool, a scotchbrite disk is better than a wire wheel. I would use a rubber roloc disk and pad.
Here is the holder:
and here are the disks:
Definitely do not use muriatic acid on stainless steel. Phosphoric is better. I have used milkstone remover which has phosphoric acid in it. Dilute and let sit and it should loosen up the char.
Good luck!
Robert K
02-13-2017, 04:44 AM
Welcome to the club, your membership is now payed.
Now start scrubbing.
buckeye gold
02-13-2017, 05:19 AM
Good catch Riley I should have said not to use muriatic. I did not know this when I done it, but the pan was still usable for years. I like the scotch bright pads too, but I found a real fine brass brush once and it does a nice job on tough stuff without much scratching. Knowing when to quit with it and switch to a pad is key.
Brad W Wi
02-13-2017, 06:09 AM
When I burnt mine, I was told there are 2 types of sugar makers. Those that have burnt pans and those that will. I've used my slightly warped pan for 5+ years, just have your level a little deeper to off set the warp.
02-13-2017, 06:16 AM
Put the pan back on the arch, fill an inch or two with water, add a gallon of vinegar, light the fire and let simmer. It'll come out on the other end looking like new!
maple flats
02-13-2017, 09:21 AM
I second the white vinegar, but use very little if any water. Then warm the pan by using a torch from under the pan until it starts looking like evaporation taking place. That will just be good and warm, let it set an hour or 2, warm each time it cools. Then use the finest scotchbrite pad. It will clean, been there done that.
Congratulations, you are now a sugar maker!
02-13-2017, 11:00 AM
The pan doesn't look too bad from the pictures. Should clean up ok and make syrup for a long time.
have a bucket of sap near by and remember: "When in this syrup scorching situation again the goal is to save the pan not the syrup"! Therfore take the bucket and dump it into the pan where the problem is. Do not go to the draw off . Do not go to the float box! These take to long and don't get sap in the pan where you need it in crisis.
welcome to the club!
02-13-2017, 11:32 AM
It's happened to me twice now. Actually, once to me and once to my wife. This year I plumbed a 3/4' line that dumps permeate into both center channels. If it starts to happen then I only have to open a ball valve that's right above the draw off. Cheap insurance. I agree that the pan looks okay.
02-13-2017, 12:04 PM
Don't feel bad. I'm actually surprised this is the first thread I've seen this year about it.
Happens to most of us.
02-13-2017, 08:53 PM
Well, my girlfriend who always says I love maple syrup more than her surprised me. She took off work today and cleaned my pan! Lots of scraping with plastic scraper and vinegar. Came out pretty good. I left work early to come home and clean it, but it was already done. So I finished boiling the 100 gallons I had and just about got the pan re sweetened. 15446
Thanks for the support guys, this forum is loaded with so many helpful people
Sugarbush Ridge
02-13-2017, 11:08 PM
[QUOTE=MunsterMapler;320186]Well, my girlfriend who always says I love maple syrup more than her surprised me. She took off work today and cleaned my pan! Lots of scraping with plastic scraper and vinegar. Came out pretty good. I left work early to come home and clean it, but it was already done.
Girlfriend,,,,,,,,She sounds like a keeper,,,,,, Don't let her get away.
I burned,,,,, fire,, flames coming above sides,,,,,,,, one syrup pan and then scorched the other one the very first year I had my SL. Oven cleaners help,,,,,, the lye in them. Must wear gloves. I go with the Scotch-brite pads,,,,,, Blue is finest then green. Find them in kitchen cleaning,,, pot cleaners. (I know white is the very finest Scotch-brite, but have never seen any.) Brass also makes a great scraper and not scratch
02-15-2017, 09:24 PM
Do not let that woman get away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-15-2017, 09:37 PM
Hahaha she's a good one! She even brought me out supper tonight while I was boiling!
Rock Bottom Maple
02-17-2017, 05:49 PM
Does she have a sister??
02-20-2017, 08:01 AM
well I'm now a member too. Had 2 gallons of finished syrup temp jumped to 230+ while drawing and then the smell. Thank goodness for the OSB. Only a little spot in the corner opposite the draw off. Ruined my syrup with the scorched stuff but saved the pan. Happened so fast. Live and learn. Now I have to wait to start over. Boiled 145 gallons of sap all for not.
Well finished boiling what I thought was ruined. No burnt taste, just deep amber color and caramel flavor.
wife and kid like it. Good thing, got 3 gallons.
03-02-2017, 04:01 AM
When I started back in 2009 making syrup I burnt a pan 2x3 when I came to the forum for help they told me if you don't burn a pan once you are not a sugar maker an if you say you never have you are a liar. 8hrs of scrubbing and it was cleaned up. But I can tell you this once it happens once you pay more attention to it I do for sure. But all in all this is the best site around for help no matter what your issue is someone on here has been in your shoes. I would just like to say thanks for all the help over the years from this site.
try Bar Keeper Friend product after soaking in vinegar. It produces a nice abrasive paste for scrubbing. Most big super markets carry it. I never had to go beyond these 2 steps to remove burns.
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