View Full Version : Crawford County 2017

Irish Ridge
02-11-2017, 04:02 PM
Feb. 11th. Seems a bit early but this morning when I saw the way my test taps were running I determined that I was all in. Figured that I would rather take an early run and possibly suffer dry taps later on, than miss what appears to be at least something of a run now. Something about bird in the hand came to mind. Not one dry tap of the 47 I am working this year. Didn't even mind working in the light rain showers this afternoon.

spike in wi
02-12-2017, 05:42 PM
We're also up and running. We've got 123 tapped and figuring we'll take what we get now. Last year we tapped on 2-27 and should have tapped on 2-20 so we missed a good weeks run. As far as the calendar goes it's only 8 days difference from when we should have tapped last year. The taps did run better yesterday than today. It is what it is!! I agree with your bird in the hand analogy!!

Irish Ridge
02-14-2017, 03:13 PM
Glad to hear you are up Spike. I have a nice average flow going and am doing my first boil today. You are about twice the size of my operation. I gambled last year and went early and caught that first week. It was a good one. Most likely the reason I went for it this year as well. Tested sap for sugar content and all of it was between 2 and 2.5 per cent sugar. Should be feeding wood until about 8 tonight. Feels good to be back in the swing of things. However, that wind cools things down a bit. It is nice seeing the snow and ice go down a bit in the woods, however.

Irish Ridge
02-18-2017, 12:10 PM
Sat. Feb. 18th...short sleeve shirt by the fire, got to love that. Collected another approximate gallon per tap. Sugar content continues to be just a bit over 2 per cent. At this point I am happy I tapped early. The Vineyard coulee sugar bush boys stopped over this morning and they also reported that sap is flowing well even on their north facing slopes. Further reported that they went out and bought ice cleets to move around in the woods better after slipping and sliding on the ice. Our ice and snow should be gone in the woods by the end of next week. I can also report a pair of robbin sightings yesterday and report of way too many bugs up and moving about in the woods. No moths in the buckets yet. Fire needs wood, got to run.

Irish Ridge
02-19-2017, 12:59 PM
Sunday, Feb. 19......Collected 15 gallons from the 45 taps first thing this morning. Third of a gallon per tap. There was a light frost on the ground this morning. Turkeys gobbling like crazy and geese flying over all morning. Back from church and its time to cook. Monday takes me to the gas stove in the kitchen for finishing and bottling syrup. Should be about three gallons for the season. Thunderstorms predicted for Monday so a good day to stay inside.

Irish Ridge
02-20-2017, 01:23 PM
Monday, Feb. 20th......Just bottled 3.25 gallons of some very nice looking amber syrup. Feels great to be all caught up. Not sure what the next few warm days will bring - except a little rest. Meanwhile its odds and ends, trimming a few branches, and a little washing up of equipment. Rain predicted for the afternoon. Finished reading Mayflower by Philbrick while tending the fire yesterday so it is on to a Baldacci this afternoon. May your season flow be generous.


Irish Ridge
02-21-2017, 11:50 AM
Tuesday, Feb. 21st......Mid 60's today following close to an inch of rain yesterday. Trimmed branches, leveled the ground under buckets and gathered a whopping 5 gallons from over the last 48 hours this morning. Not even checking buckets until Saturday morning. Record warm temperatures predicted for tomorrow as well. All for now - think snow.

spike in wi
02-23-2017, 05:36 AM
Finished boiling the sap we had yesterday and so far got just short of nine gallons of syrup. Hoping mother nature cooperates and gets us some moe sap. We have some just trickling yet and the trees are really budding now! Next week looks better hopefully.

Irish Ridge
02-26-2017, 08:42 PM
Sunday, Feb. 26th....A late afternoon bucket check revealed a very slow flow but a flow none the less. Plan is to collect early Wednesday morning and have a hot fire going by 10 bells. The intellicast 10 day looks great. Everything is caught up and ready to go with a long run.

Spike, congrats on your early 9 gallons. I am happy with my early three. Looking forward to a long run now.

Irish Ridge
02-28-2017, 03:54 PM
Tuesday, Feb. 28th......The afternoon bucket check turned into an afternoon collection. The average was about 2.5 gallons per tap. Flowing great as I collected. Might have been the thunder, lightning, hail, snow, fog, change in baro pressure or some combo of the above but I'll take it. Did not like finding a few ants and moths today. Just checked notes from last year and was done collecting sap on March 8th. Will be interesting to see how long we can stretch this out.

Irish Ridge
03-02-2017, 12:54 PM
Thurs., March 2nd.....second day working the fire. Will be all caught up at the end of the day. Todays bucket check tells me that I have tomorrow and maybe Saturday off. Flow has all but stopped. Warm weather around the corner and I'll be ready for it. The Vineyard sugar bush reported they saw bluebird scouts checking out bird houses.

spike in wi
03-02-2017, 07:52 PM
Irish Ridge, Glad to hear you're caught up with this last run. We'll get caught up tomorrow around noonish. I was beginning to think we were going to drown in sap after this last run. Wishing we had a bigger evaporator as we were losing ground boiling about 16 gph. We are setting at about 14 gallons of syrup as of right now. Hoping to get one or two good runs yet this season. It looks like a fairly long warm spell next week.

Mr Sugar Maple
03-02-2017, 07:57 PM
Hi Irish Ridge Have not seen any blue birds as of yet but the houses are ready. Sounds like you have some syrup to enjoy, how long to make a gal with your rig? Our first boil will be this Saturday.Take care and enjoy that great syrup.

Irish Ridge
03-03-2017, 06:52 AM
Morning Spike and Mr. Sugar Maple,

I don't have quite the size operation that both of you have. That is probably part of the reason that I don't mind gambling on an early start. If I can get 6 gallons of sap boiled off in an hour I am very happy. Usually somewhere between 5 and 6. I am working off of an old oil fuel tank pretty much cut in half and turned into a wood burner. Has a big tall stack and I am set. I read on maple trader somewhere about adding firebrick. Once I did that I began using much less wood, achieving a hotter fire, and a better boil off per hour rate.

After yesterday I now have just under 6 finished gallons. Also this last run was much darker than my batches of very light amber - but what a taste.

Mr Sugar Maple
03-03-2017, 08:40 PM
Wow 6 finished gallons, that is a lot of boiling, every drop of your maple syrup you surely earned. our 2x6 evaporates about 30 to 35 gallons per hour . My son has been building me a preheater dont know if it will be done in time for part of this season.

Irish Ridge
03-05-2017, 11:02 PM
Sunday, March 5th....Did a walk today for a bucket check after church. My results dictated rushing back to grab my mule and start collecting sap. 47 taps and over 115 gallons of sap. Finished boiling for the evening at 9 p.m. and will start early tomorrow trying to beat the rain. Moths like crazy today. Sap today isn't nearly as clear as spring water like it was a few days ago. Still right around 2.5% sugar. Disappointed in that result - usually higher with my trees. My wife brought me supper down to the sugar shack at 7 and told me Spike and the Vernon County people must all be working late tonight or driving home as there was nothing to report on Mapletrader at that time. Hope everyone had a good time and good results this weekend.

spike in wi
03-06-2017, 09:26 PM
Wow-- there's no quit in those trees the last couple of days. Boiled all day today and lost ground. Our 300 gallon tank has room for about two more inches as of tonight. Hopefully tomorrow we can gain some ground on it. If this continues maybe an RO will be in our future. Hate to spend that kind of money just for a hobby?? Happy boiling!!

Irish Ridge
03-07-2017, 12:08 PM
You are so right Spike, trees are cooperating. Began boiling yesterday in the mist and went all day and evening shutting down operations about an hour before the storm. This morning collected even more from over the past 36 hours. One thing I have noticed is clarity of the sap. Noticeably less clear than earlier. Still hovering at 2.5 per cent sugar content in sap I have collected - and these are sugar maples. The wind is still blowing so much that I think the best route is waiting until Wednesday to boil again. I have to say that I sure am enjoying this sap season or maybe it is the early spring - hopefully both.

Heard peepers last night. Spring is here.

Irish Ridge
03-08-2017, 08:43 PM
Wed. March 8th.....Boiling with an outdoor operation in 40 mile per hour winds was not fun today. The wind just never quit. Interesting because that is just the opposite of my sap flow. In the past 24 hours my trees have all but stopped. That and over half my buckets were laying on their side when I did my afternoon bucket check. I am actually thinking that I may very possibly be done in the woods after my bucket collection tomorrow. Going to sleep on it. This much I know, the sap has all but stopped running again on Irish Ridge.

spike in wi
03-09-2017, 05:14 AM
Irish Ridge, we decided we would collect what sap we had as of last night and try to finish up today. The trees have quit for now but may start up again after this cold snap. We will be over 30 gallons of syrup when everything is cleaned up so we feel it was a very good season. So we're pulling taps and looking to next year! Other than three digital thermometers with issues it was a good season!

Irish Ridge
03-09-2017, 08:43 PM
Thurs. March 9th.....I hear you Spike. We pulled buckets and taps today. All buckets were empty since Sunday evening. Will be doing a final sap boil tomorrow. We should finish with right around 10 gallons for the season. An average season for us. Seems to have followed last years calendar as well. Probably one last summary post in the near future.

Irish Ridge
03-13-2017, 09:07 AM
Friday, March10th....We "finished" our final boil on the gas stove and came out with 2.5 gallons for the day and a total of 11 gallons and one pint for the year. We will take it. The Vineyard Coulee boys have left their taps in and said they were hoping for another run after the snow passes and the weather warms. Their friends in Ferryville up the river have also pulled their taps. The Crawford County season is quickly coming to an end. Two early seasons in a row. Is this the new normal? Ask again a year from now.

03-13-2017, 01:23 PM
Friday, March10th....We "finished" our final boil on the gas stove and came out with 2.5 gallons for the day and a total of 11 gallons and one pint for the year. We will take it. The Vineyard Coulee boys have left their taps in and said they were hoping for another run after the snow passes and the weather warms. Their friends in Ferryville up the river have also pulled their taps. The Crawford County season is quickly coming to an end. Two early seasons in a row. Is this the new normal? Ask again a year from now.

I do not understand how you can be done yet ? I am just going to perform my first boil and am not more than 150 miles north.

spike in wi
03-14-2017, 09:38 AM
Irish Ridge isn't the only one here in the SW corner of the state to be done. We shut down the same day as him. We ran out of good dry wood and ambition as we had a good month long run. 33 gallons was our final tally for this season. I'm pretty sure the trees would keep going but they have more stamina than us old folks!! Spike

03-22-2017, 09:06 PM
Crazy Crazy Crazy year here just outside of Beetown, WI. 220 taps and still going strong for a couple more days. Going to be a record year for sure......probably 100 gallons of syrup for us at Ackerman Maple Syrup :)

Mr Sugar Maple
03-22-2017, 09:15 PM
Wow 100 gallons syrup from 220 taps, I have 225 on buckets and the most syrup I ever made was 54 gallons. When did you start this season? We tapped on Feb 26th did not want to tap with that record heat wave, so we waited.

Irish Ridge
03-22-2017, 09:36 PM
That is crazy - in a good way. I don't know what I would do with that kind of syrup to tap ratio. Congrats! It would take me a month to catch up on my sleep when the season was over. My evaporator just isn't that big or fast enough to allow me to tap more of my maples. I do like the fact that we are ending our season when further north is just getting started.

03-22-2017, 10:17 PM
We tapped a month ago today, most I have ever made was 72 gallons in 2011