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02-10-2017, 09:14 AM
When it comes to tapping this early, which it looks like I might, how long can those taps be left before they need to be re-tapped if it was to early and the tree did not produce? We have a stretch of warm weather that looks like it could last awhile but with our history of up and down temps at this time of year it has me questioning whether I should tap or not.

02-10-2017, 03:12 PM
Its not recommended to re-tap any previous tap

02-10-2017, 08:40 PM
Its not recommended to re-tap any previous tap
I am sorry let me clarify, I meant tap another hole. I worded that wrong.

02-11-2017, 05:11 AM
You should never re-tap a tree in the same year if the hole drys up. That is why syrup makers agonize over when to tap. You get one shot and if you tap too early your out of luck til the next year.

Russell Lampron
02-11-2017, 05:42 AM
You didn't specify if you are tapping buckets or tubing. If you are tapping buckets you can expect about 4 weeks if your taps are new or sterilized before the holes dry up. With tubing into a bucket on the ground expect about the same as with bucket taps. On gravity and vacuum tubing systems with new adapters or check valve taps you can tap anytime and the holes won't close up until after the season. I you are using buckets wait until it looks like you will have that 4 week window. I have started tapping my tubing here but my buckets will wait until the 1st weekend in March.

MN Jake
02-11-2017, 08:15 AM
What are the factors that allow you to tap anytime on tubing? Do you need to be very aware of the smallest runs and keep the vac on to keep sap moving? Is there less bacteria livin in the lines? Just curious, we are new to tubing and have had to be careful about our tapping times with bags due to holes drying up.

02-11-2017, 09:46 AM
You didn't specify if you are tapping buckets or tubing. If you are tapping buckets you can expect about 4 weeks if your taps are new or sterilized before the holes dry up. With tubing into a bucket on the ground expect about the same as with bucket taps. On gravity and vacuum tubing systems with new adapters or check valve taps you can tap anytime and the holes won't close up until after the season. I you are using buckets wait until it looks like you will have that 4 week window. I have started tapping my tubing here but my buckets will wait until the 1st weekend in March.

I use buckets and tubing going to the bucket. Although the weather looks like it may stay warm for some time now I may wait a week or two. It gives me a bit more time to get my !@#$ together.

02-11-2017, 09:55 AM
What are the factors that allow you to tap anytime on tubing? Do you need to be very aware of the smallest runs and keep the vac on to keep sap moving? Is there less bacteria livin in the lines? Just curious, we are new to tubing and have had to be careful about our tapping times with bags due to holes drying up.

What causes tap holes to dry up is the growth of micro organisms. Pipelines are closed system and this combined with new taps every season and replacing drops and laterals at necessary intervals greatly reduces the exposure to micro organisms. The check valve spout is another recent innovation which helps keep the sap hole sanitary. Thus those on pipeline systems that use good sanitary practices can tap sooner and run longer then those using traditional methods.