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View Full Version : Tapping in Michigan?

02-07-2017, 04:57 PM
Was wondering if anyone in Michigan has tapped yet. If not any plans on when you will start? I know it is early but my dad is getting impatient with this crazy winter weather we have had here in the center of the state. We are going to see temps this week from single digits to over 40. (44 here today). Rained most of the day today and no snow on the ground. Looking at the 7-10 day I think there might be a run or two but could have weeks or real winter left. What do you guys think? Thanks.

02-07-2017, 06:00 PM
Had a buddy downstate tap yesterday had good flows. I have heard of a few others downstate area doing same.
I am thinking myself this weekend.

02-07-2017, 06:37 PM
Going all in this weekend

mitten mapler
02-07-2017, 08:54 PM
plan on this weekend for us on tubing gonna wait a week or so for the taps we use buckets on

02-08-2017, 05:37 AM
I think you may be getting a little anxious based on your location. Generally, we tap around the first week of March in the Gaylord area, so based on your location, you probably would be tapping near the end of February. Tell your Dad to take a deep breathe and wait just a little bit more.

02-08-2017, 06:46 AM
We tapped in NW Ohio last weekend. Gatherd 110 gallon of sap off 50 taps yesterday.

Lucky Dog
02-08-2017, 03:51 PM
I've been wondering the same thing.
Last year was my first year tapping, I got my first sap on the 19th.

I was thinking about putting a few taps in this weekend and just wait to see what happens.
I'm pretty small scale so, It would not take me long to to put in all of my taps.

michael marrs
02-09-2017, 10:10 AM
I was thinking it was a bit early, but next 5-6 days look pretty good not real high in temps, but above/ below freezing occurring. Also , this year, I was able to secure 2 more 55 gal barrels for storage, so if I only gather, and store, ad it freezes, who cares? When the weather evens out, I may have a jump on things

02-10-2017, 01:58 PM
OK, I have to ask. I live to the North of Muskegon and here is my concern. The next 2-3 days above freezing and below at night. Then we are doing a couple days back in the mid to upper 20's. and the same for the following week. I am very small, just started doing this last year, and wondering if I tap now for say 2 days and then 3 days nothing and again the same, is this OK to do it this way or hurt the tree. I have been told that I may end up retapping in a couple weeks. I don't mind 15-20 gals at a time. My plan this yeat is to make 4 -5 gals. Last year I did 7 qts. Thanks all.

02-10-2017, 06:13 PM
You should only tap a tree once per season. They do not recommend redrilling a hole either. Once you make the decision to tap you are stuck with it.

David in MI
02-10-2017, 06:42 PM
Ortonville: Weather.com revised the weekend forecast down a bit over the next few days and I never believe that last 70% of the 10 day forecast anyway so we're not tapping yet. I'll continue to watch the forecast and think about it again next weekend. Spending time in the woods, though. Adjusting and clearing deadfall off the lines, cleaning and getting organized. Hopefully we'll have a good season this year.

Best wishes to the rest of you knuckleheads who partake in this crazy hobby!!

02-10-2017, 08:27 PM
Right or wrong, we tapped 60 today which is about 20% for us. We made a few modifications to our operation that we wanted to test before we had all 300 taps in and I could not hold my dad off any longer. Only time will tell.

02-11-2017, 09:48 AM
Will be tapping today here. Sitting here having coffee currently.

I know its still early for a lot however the outlook of temps and being a hobby producer and retired means I may as well have something to do for the next little while.

Lucky Dog
02-12-2017, 05:42 AM
I tapped 30 trees yesterday(Sat) and has sap right away, It also ran all night.
I see the forecast is showing 50's next weekend.

Jolly Acres Farm
02-12-2017, 07:25 AM
We are planning on tapping the first week of March.

02-13-2017, 10:13 PM
I taped Saturday. All is well so far . As far as taping early I start early every year and no regrets. As for misugardaddy take his post with a grain of sugar. He clearly knows everything just read some of his post and you'll understand . Do what you want winter could be over early . I made 50 1/2 gallons last year on 128 taps.
And if you are carefull, with some strong bleach water you can sanitize your drill bit between holes and Redrill them if a real long season hits. But you do not want to spread microbes from tree to tree or you could end up with more wood for the evaporator. It's a judgement call you'll have to make . I know a few old timers that have done it sense they were kids and claim all the trees are still alive and well . One old guy said they would put an aspirin in every hole when they tapped back in the 40's&50's and let it run a day before they hung buckets. He claimed it kept the holes from healing fast. Crazy old timers it's a wonder they didn't kill us all .

02-14-2017, 01:04 AM
It's a judgement call you'll have to make . I know a few old timers that have done it sense they were kids and claim all the trees are still alive and well . One old guy said they would put an aspirin in every hole when they tapped back in the 40's&50's and let it run a day before they hung buckets. He claimed it kept the holes from healing fast. Crazy old timers it's a wonder they didn't kill us all .
Are you joking? or were you talking about paraformaldehyde? I remember when I used the pill the stuff would collect right on the tips of the spile and would jiggle around and do circles on the end of the spout when the trees were running hard.

5 Oaks
02-14-2017, 09:24 AM
I am tapping trees in Cedar Springs tonight. I will be tapping my trees in Hersey Thursday. (i'd like to tap them tomorrow but have to work on daughters car). I am also a "little" nervous about the warm cold warm cycle. But what the heck, go for broke!

michael marrs
02-15-2017, 05:01 AM
I went ahead and tapped , on the 19th. thus far I am sitting on 50 gals, prolly by this weekend, it will be cook time. I believe it is hit in the 50's here