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View Full Version : Fire bricking - How would you do it?

02-05-2017, 09:18 PM
Hello, I had a question on whether or not I bricked my 2x4 evaporator correctly. I put ceramic blanket around the whole thing and then firebrick over the blanket. My question is really whether or not I should build a wall at the back of the firebox that goes to an inch or so under the drop flues. And whether or not I should keep this 1" gap all the way back to the smoke stack or not.

What would you do?
Option 1 is leave it as is, blanket and brick on the whole thing and keep the arch's original shape.

Option 2 is blanket and brick on the whole thing but building a wall at the end of the fire box that goes to about 1" below the flues.

Option 2A, build that wall but also build something where it would be level from the back of the firebox to the smoke stack, about 1" lower than the drop flues.

Option 3 build a wall under the smoke stack, leaving just enough space for all of the exhaust to exit the arch.

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02-06-2017, 04:42 AM
A rule of thumb is build a wall at the back of the firebox about halfway to the pan, then ramp it up at an angle till your a 1/3 way into your flue pan. Then almost touching the flues the rest of the way back. Without getting close to the flues you will lose a lot of potential boil.

02-06-2017, 05:33 AM
Thanks for the reply. My syrup pan is 18 inches and my flue pan is 30 inches. I like your idea of building the wall halfway and then ramp it up at an angle till I'm 1/3 of the way into the flue pan. Being that my flue pan is so small, would you still go this route? Is 10 inches too short of a distance to work with?

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02-06-2017, 01:15 PM
With that short of a flue pan oh could ramp up earlier. I would put everything in dry and find what combination of space/ramp works for you, then make everything permanent.

02-06-2017, 09:29 PM
Should I start with a wall at the back of the firebox that goes up only about half way, then ramp up the length of a firebrick laying at a 45 degree angle, then flatten out to the stack?

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