View Full Version : Gast 2565 vs Leader

02-03-2017, 12:14 PM
How does gast hold up in comparison to the pumps available at maple dealers? Am I better off starting out with high vacuum buying something from a dealer all set up, or will a Gast 2565 do everything a small hobby vac setup will do.

I've got opinions from one dealer concerned about overheating or ability to maintain high vacuum, but he's not familiar with gast brand.

I'm new to high vacuum, so trying to learn as much as possible before I pull the trigger. Working on a budget, but would prefer to do the pump correct the first time.

350-400 taps going on this system, not much chance to expand later.

western mainer
02-03-2017, 01:24 PM
I have a 2565 on 500 taps and hold 25-26 on a tight system. I leave the door open for my pump and have not had any problems of yet in 3 years.

02-03-2017, 01:51 PM
Gast pumps are industrial and made to run continuous. Many of the Gast pumps are even oil less. The are very underrated and many traders have them. If you go their website they have spec sheets and if you can't find one e-mail tech support and they can send you one. They will include a graph which shows you the desired vacuum level in relation to cfm. They are good pumps.

Jim Brown
02-03-2017, 04:53 PM
I am by no means an expert but I have had a number of years using 2565 v2v Gast pumps I Used 2 hooked parallel on 1000 taps and was able to hold 23-24 inches .I was told by a person who uses them for a living that they are "bullet proof.


02-03-2017, 05:18 PM
I ran 2- 2565s on 1300 taps last season and pulled 25" all day. I ran them on a propane engine and oversped them about 100 rpms. I do that typically with no problems.This year I'm trying 3- 2565s on electric motors at that bush. We'll see what happens. I'll be posting the results. A great thing about these pumps is you can occasionally find them on ebay for small money. I got a new one in the box last year for about $300.

02-03-2017, 05:27 PM
Do they use much oil?

02-03-2017, 05:30 PM
Hardly any. In fact, I thought mine were plugged up but I went through them over the summer and they're fine. BTW there's one on ebay right now for $200. if anyone's interested.

02-03-2017, 05:56 PM
Thank you for the info. Do you run moisture traps on yours? Any other suggestions? I can buy a used Lapierre single releaser locally, but have been told a Bernard is a better releaser.

02-04-2017, 07:40 AM
Thank you for the info. Do you run moisture traps on yours? Any other suggestions? I can buy a used Lapierre single releaser locally, but have been told a Bernard is a better releaser.
Thanks. You definitely need a moisture trap with a rotary vane pump. They're easy to make with some pvc fittings and a raquet ball. They're about the same thing as a cdl moisture trap I've seen.

Jim Brown
02-04-2017, 08:38 AM
Back to the bullet proof thing. Last season I had a releaser freeze up and pulled sap through the moisture trap and filled the pump.We shut everything down, drained all the sap from the lines and the pump.Opened the inlet side of the pump started it up and poured a pint of vacuum oil through the pump, Vacuum came up to 28inches and we were back in business. That pump is still in the same place this year and running. Yep bullet proof!!


02-04-2017, 09:12 AM
I bought the leader with a double Bernard releaser, and am still looking at the gast. Buddy advised me to grab it if nothing else for the releaser. Pretty sure I'll grab a gast as well then try both. I've got a couple places to put another if need be. Thanks for the info.

02-04-2017, 09:19 AM
Let us know how it works out for you.

04-04-2017, 06:44 AM
What's the smallest hp gas engine you would recommend on the gast 2565?

04-04-2017, 06:51 AM
I run them on 3hp.engines no problem at all. I don't even use all the power. I get the right pulley ratio and idle them down. I ran 2 of them on a 5.5hp. They use much less gas that way.