View Full Version : Tapped in Pottstown, PA on 1/28

01-29-2017, 07:53 AM
I tapped yesterday--Saturday--1/28.

30 taps (on 24 trees into 21 buckets).

The tree that always produced best for me last year began to dribble a bit, immediately, when I tapped. None of the others had any flow, yesterday.

The way I see it, a tap's good for 6 weeks, and I fully expect things to turn buddy by mid-March, so there's no point in tapping later than now. Here's hoping for a good season!

Etown Maple Syrup
01-29-2017, 01:49 PM
I just liked your facebook page. I found that keeping a log of what is flowing out of which tap is a good idea. kids love those jobs. are you tapping sugar, silver or red maples? Reds are real tricky to figure out. Sugars/Silvers flow much more consistently. I always check sugar content even if buds are popping. If sugar content is the same, keep boiling!

01-29-2017, 09:10 PM
Thanks, Ross!

Mine are all sugars. Yes, I'll keep records.

I didn't realize that about sugar content during budding. Noted.

I liked your FB page, also, and shot you an email at the gmail address I found on FB.


01-29-2017, 09:14 PM
Hey, is there any sort of regional get-together in the summer, or something? I'm thinking like Chester, Lancaster, Lebanon, Berks, Lehigh, Bucks, and Montgomery counties.

If not, we should form something.